Audits of solar PV installations begin soon

Solar Victoria is beginning an audit program to ensure installations under the Solar Homes program are safe and meet required standards.

Thursday 28 March 2019 at 5:29 am

Solar Victoria is beginning an audit program to ensure installations under the Solar Homes program are safe and meet required standards.

The program will focus on auditing areas of with high activity, installations by companies delivering a large amount of work, and where issues have been raised.

We’ve also asked householders to register for an audit and have received a high level of responses. 

As well as inspections at the time of installation, post-installation inspections will also be carried out.

While installers and the people employing them are responsible for safety, the post-installation audit program will deliver a picture of the standard of work delivered under the program. 

Results will be communicated to the householder, installer, and retailer, and more broadly to the industry.

Solar Victoria is beginning an audit program to ensure installations under the Solar Homes program are safe and meet required standards. 

The program will focus on auditing areas of with high activity, installations by companies delivering a large amount of work, and where issues have been raised.

What will post-installation auditors be looking at?

Comprehensive post-installation audits will include overall electrical safety, to ensure systems are safely installed to Australian Standards and Clean Energy Council Best Practice Guidelines.

  • Electrical safety: Check of conduit placement, ingress protection, fuses, location and quality of DC isolators.
  • Equipment: Audits will ensure solar PV modules and inverters are on approved products lists, and that they are installed to ensure manufacturer’s warranties are intact.
  • System design and functionality: Audits will ensure solar systems have been designed appropriately e.g. with correct aspect and shading tolerances, and are operating as expected.
  • Documentation and credentials: Audits will check installers’ accreditations and licences, and required installation documentation.
  • Customer experience: Auditors will ascertain the professionalism and conduct of the installers and broader customer experience through engagement with the customer.
