We are working closely with regulators, retailers and installers to create a safer solar industry through rigorous safety and quality standards and our audit program.

Solar industry guidance
Use this guidance to help keep workers and customers safe and put industry leading standards into practice.

Working safely in solar
Learn more about mandatory and recommended solar safety training, recommended safety leadership for site supervisors training and mental health first aid training.

Battery audit checklist and guidance
Installers can use our audit checklist and guidance to help keep pace with growth in technology and advance their understanding of compliance standards.

Solar PV audit checklist and guidance
Installers can use our audit checklist and guidance to advance their understanding of compliance standards.

Hot water audit checklist and guidance
Hot water installers can use our audit checklist and guidance to advance their understanding of compliance standards.

Regulators and peak bodies
Information and resources to help retailers and installers maintain and comply with safety and quality standards.

How to correctly configure inverter settings
Solar and battery inverters in Victoria and all Eastern Australia must be installed with AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 Australia A settings.

View audit results online
Everything retailers and installers need to know about viewing audit results and required rectifications.

Solar Homes Program promotional resources
Use these free promotional resources to help your customers take advantage of Solar Homes rebates and interest-free loans, and make the switch to more affordable and cleaner energy.