Solar for Apartments information for retailers

Applications for the Solar for Apartments program closed on 28 February 2025.

In Round 2, authorised retailers will apply the rebate as a discount on the applicant’s invoice. We will then pay the retailer post installation, and the owners corporation will pay any outstanding balance to the retailer.

Installations must be completed by authorised solar retailers and accredited installers, unless expressly agreed to by Solar Victoria in writing.

The Solar for Apartments Program is jointly funded by the Victorian and Commonwealth governments.

Round 2 application and quote process

Authorised retailers must use the Solar Victoria retailer portal to upload applicant quotes and claim rebate payment. Once you submit the quote, rebate funding is held for 70 calendar days. Please allow sufficient time for the OC to approve the quote when you set the quote expiry date.

Download the Solar for Apartments retailer portal user guide and follow the step-by-step process:

Download the Solar for Apartments retailer portal user guide
PDF 1.67 MB
(opens in a new window)

Round 1 application and quote process

Round 1 closed to new applications on 31 May 2024.

Applications in the first round are not impacted by the updated Round 2 application process. We still require the same information from retailers to process Round 1 applications. Please be mindful of applications for both rounds happening concurrently.

Round 1 grants are delivered directly to Owners Corporations (OCs) who will enter into a funding agreement with Solar Victoria.

The grant discount is not applied by the retailer and OCs will need to pay the upfront costs of the installation with grant funding provided to them after milestones are met and the installation is completed. Information on milestones and installation requirements is below.

Understand solar sharing requirements

Solar sharing technologies are eligible under the Solar for Apartments program, where agreed to by Solar Victoria.

Under this program, an interface protection system must be installed for all eligible systems based on inverter power sharing devices where the connected inverter energy system nameplate KiloVolt Amps (kVA) capacity is greater than 30.

Retailers must also ensure that the original equipment manufacturer provides a minimum 5 year whole-of-product warranty on all solar sharing technology or major components that may be used in the eligible system. Go to the Notice to Market section 3.2.1 for more information.

Safety installation guidance and audit checklist

We are working with regulators to ensure safety and compliance standards are met. Your installation may be audited under our audit program during or after the installation.

Independent auditors use this checklist when they conduct audit inspections of solar PV installations under the Solar for Apartments program:

Download the Solar for Apartments audit checklist 1.0
Other 1.41 MB
(opens in a new window)

For technical installation guidance on solar PV installations on apartments, units and townhouses, go to the Energy Safe website.

Installers can also use the technical guidance and solution sheets developed with WorkSafe Victoria, Energy Safe Victoria and TechSafe Australia to keep everyone safe and put industry standards into practice. This guidance covers issues that may arise when installing solar at height on apartment buildings, including:

  • Safe work practices using elevated platforms
  • Working safely at height (including specific references to increased risks for multi-level buildings)
  • Edge protection
  • Manual handling of heavy items
  • Fall risks
  • Working near asbestos-containing material

You can find more information at safety installation guidance.


Download the Solar for Apartments retailer portal user guide
PDF 1.67 MB
(opens in a new window)


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