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We established the Industry and Consumer Reference Group (ICRG) in October 2019 so that industry and consumer representatives with many years of experience could help shape our programs, their development and implementation.
The ICRG continues to provide advice to Solar Victoria and the Victorian Government on the effective delivery of the Solar Homes Program and supports the sustainable development of the solar industry in Victoria.
South East Water Managing Director Lara Olsen is the Independent Chair of the ICRG. ICRG members meet regularly to provide advice on:
- safety and quality matters, and associated standards
- consumer protections and customer experiences
- technology requirements
- future grid requirements
- skills and workforce development
- product stewardship
- other matters relevant to the Victorian solar industry.
Members have been selected to provide diverse input from a range of small, medium and large businesses, different backgrounds and from metropolitan and regional areas.
Organisation representatives are nominated by their organisation, and industry representatives are appointed by the CEO of Solar Victoria through an Expression of Interest process.
Organisation representatives
Lara Olsen is a highly experienced energy and utility executive with demonstrated success in leading strategy and business development in both the corporate and start-up environment.
Lara is currently the Managing Director of South East Water. Prior to joining South East Water, Lara was the Global Head of Business Development and Industrial Product at Tesla Energy. At Tesla, she led projects including the Neoen Hornsdale big battery and South Australia’s Tesla Powerwall Virtual Power Plant project.
Lara has prior experience in executive positions for CitiPower and Powercor, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and several energy start-ups.
She holds honours degrees in Chemical Engineering and Arts from the University of Melbourne and a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD in France.
Con Hristodoulidis is Director Distributed Energy at the Clean Energy Council (CEC). He has over 20 years’ experience in energy policy and regulatory design and in his current role leads the CEC’s policy design and advocacy for the take up of rooftop solar and home storage to support Australia’s decarbonisation ambitions.
Connor Price is a policy officer for the Smart Energy Council, a peak industry organisation for renewable energy in Australia which represents over 1400 organisations. Connor is the lead policy officer for consumer energy within the advocacy team. He previously worked as a management consultant, assisting federal, state and territory departments.
Connor completed a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Economics and Business Law at The University of Western Australia and is currently undertaking a Diploma in Project Management.
Rod Jones is the General Manager Network Strategy and Planning, AusNet Services.
Rod joined AusNet in 2011 and has more than 25 years’ experience in the energy sector in a variety of roles including network planning, asset management, capital program delivery and business transformation. He is responsible for network strategy and planning across AusNet’s three regulated energy networks, including providing network connections for embedded generators and implementing distributed energy solutions.
Prior to joining AusNet, he held transmission engineering and managerial roles at Transend, now known as TasNetworks.
Rod holds a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from University of Tasmania and a Master of Business Administration from La Trobe University.
Danny Filazzola was elected Branch President of the Electrical Trades Union (ETU), in May 2017, a role he took up 14 years after stepping up as a shop steward, representing fellow workers on the job.
As Branch President Danny chairs the State Council.
He also serves as a Divisional and National Councillor. Before being elected, Danny served as Training Officer and as an Organiser within the union.
He continues to serve as a Board Member and Joint Chair of Future Energy Skills Industry Training Board and is a director of Protect.
Stephanie Tonkin was appointed as the CEO of Consumer Action Law Centre (CALC), replacing Gerard Brody.
Stephanie brings significant experience across community legal centres and justice advocacy, working across community law, financial counselling, and community services. Most recently Stephanie led the development of Mortgage Stress Victoria at West Justice to become a state-wide service.
She has worked in the community legal sector at centres including Brimbank Melton Community Legal Centre and Justice Connect. She is also a part-time Consumer Director at the Energy and Water Ombudsman (Victoria) (EWOV).
Louis Knoops is a licensed electrician, electrical inspector G, RE class and holds CEC accreditation in solar grid connect. He has over 35 years’ experience in the electrical industry, working as an electrical contractor and performing many different forms of electrical work. Louis has installed hundreds of PV systems.
Since completing his inspector’s licence, he has been involved in inspecting many small to large PV systems. He has also been involved in special audits requested by Energy Safe Victoria. Louis also holds Cert IV in Training and Assessment. Currently Louis engages in mentoring inspectors and installers to better understand compliance issues relating to PV and battery installations. He is a firm believer of educating and helping others achieve the success they deserve.
Industry representatives
Simon Duncan has over 30 years of experience in the real estate, construction, and development industries successfully leading four wholly owned companies during this time. Simon is the current director of Six Star Plus, a solar company located in southeast suburbs of Melbourne, and SJD Homes, a volume domestic building company also situated in southeast Melbourne.
Six Star Plus is quickly evolving in the world of solar, they install PV systems and have been involved in zero-net carbon home projects working with over one hundred builders and several major solar equipment suppliers which gives them a diverse network with a range of perspectives.
Simon has considerable committee experience, notably with the Housing Industry Association (HIA) from 2014 to 2022. He believes that every new home built in Australia should be Zero Net Carbon and that the technology is available to enable this change now.
Darren Gladman has worked in renewable energy, climate change and the environment since the early 1990s when he began his career designing and selling solar systems for farms and remote areas.
Since then, he has worked with the Clean Energy Council, leading its policy, advocacy and public engagement strategies for distributed energy; the Victorian Government (former) Department of Sustainability and Environment (now the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action) in a range of policy and leadership roles; environmental non-government organisations, leading campaigns on climate change and biodiversity; and universities, including Monash University and the University of Papua New Guinea.
He is currently the Energy Policy and Regulatory Manager at SMA Australia and energy systems provider. He has degrees in Electrical Engineering and Environmental Science.
Anthony Kurta is the Managing Director of Solar Run, a top 20 retailer organisation with over 25 individual franchisees within their network. Solar Run is one of the largest retailers in Victoria undertaking both residential and commercial projects including battery and hot water unit installations.
As an electrician with over 20 years-experience, with a specific focus on solar installation for over 15 years, Anthony has a unique perspective and broad industry network.
Bobbi McKibbin has worked in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector since 2006. She has been a small business owner since 2009.
Along with Brett Emo and Luke Fraser, she owns and operates Solar Integrity based in Albury Wodonga.
Bobbi is a strong advocate for the solar industry and is the co-founder of Renewable Albury Wodonga Energy - a local community energy group gaining strong traction in the area. She is also an active member of North East Community Energy Network – 15 community energy groups from the electorate of INDI that meet and share knowledge.
She is also a member of the Clean Energy Council’s Installer Reference Group.
Matt Wilson has worked in the renewable energy industry since 2006 and is currently the director of Central Spark Victoria.
With a diverse range of skills in the industry Matt has a strong background in project management, solar design, installation and safety. Still spending most of his time onsite undertaking and supervising solar installations, he has working knowledge of the industry from sales through to customer handover.
Matt is an award-winning installer, designer, electrician and passionate supporter of the solar industry.
Sophie Wright is CEO of Electrify Victoria and Geelong Electric Vehicle Chargers and has been working in the solar industry since February 2019. She is also a founding Director of Australian Women in Solar Energy (AWISE) and sits on the Smart Energy Council’s Smart Transport Working Group.
Sophie is a CEC Accredited Designer and CPA and is passionate about demystifying solar for consumers and moving Victoria closer to its renewable targets through the electrification of our homes, businesses and vehicles.
Sophie says: "I am involved in the ICRG to have an input into the processes, not only from an installer and retailer perspective, but from the perspective of customers applying. It is very rewarding to see the direct changes to the processes that have made it easier for everyone to take part in the Solar Homes program. This means more solar on rooftops and Victoria moving closer to renewable targets - it’s great to all be a part of that."
electrifyvictoria.com.au(opens in a new window)
geelongelectricvehiclechargers.com.au(opens in a new window)
Jane Butler is the General Manager for Electrification and Innovation at AGL. Jane is responsible for bringing sustainable and scalable electrification solutions to market for Australian households including AGL’s flagship ‘Electrify Now’ platform as well as a suite of e-mobility, solar battery and virtual power plant products and AGL owned SolDis hardware distribution business.
Jane has over 20 years’ experience in the energy and manufacturing sectors. Her career has focused on the nexus of energy and technology and the human and commercial drivers that are shaping the transition. Her previous roles have primarily focused on decarbonisation and energy efficiency in the commercial and industrial segment, spanning growth strategy and product development, commercial solar and storage, flexibility and demand response, project management and industrial energy and utilities management.
She brings a unique combination of skills and a deep understanding of the opportunities and the technical and commercial realities of the energy transition.
Jane is also a Non-Executive Director at the Energy Efficiency Council and holds a Masters of Engineering in Sustainable Energy and Bachelor Degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Science.
Sean Greenup is an experienced economist with extensive experience working for Queensland infrastructure companies and economic regulatory agencies.
He has managed complex economic regulatory processes. He has experience in identifying governance and business planning deficiencies and delivering practical and robust solutions that deliver continuous improvements in business performance.
Consumer representatives
Tina Hogarth-Clarke has over 20 years' experience in the highly regulated health and aged care industries and has a working knowledge of commercial arrangements and governance issues relating to complex markets. Tina has served on boards and committees for a range of not-for-profit organisations that operate within an environment of complex intersecting challenges and a broad range of issues.
Tina was the CEO of Council on the Ageing (COTA) Victoria after 14 years running her own aged care consultancy, assisting companies with strategy formulation, and offering advice to the general public looking for care. COTA Victoria is a not-for-profit organisation within the community and human services sector and is the peak body representing the rights and interests of Victorians over the age of 50. Its most significant program was Seniors Rights Victoria, a specialist community legal centre that addressed and responded to elder abuse as a form of family violence. Before working in ageing and aged care, Tina spent 12 years in the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries.
Recently Tina was appointed to the Technical Advisory Committee of Energy Safe Victoria as a community representative committee member. She has been able to bring her skills, diverse network and experience in negotiating complex sectors, to support regulation and safety of the Victorian energy sector.
ICRG meetings
The latest meeting of the ICRG was held on Thursday 13 February 2025, with valuable insights and discussions which covered the following:
Implementation of the emergency backstop mechanism
Members discussed the continuing challenges and concerns that retailers, installers and distributed network service providers (DNSPs) are experiencing with the implementation of the emergency backstop mechanism, and the need to resolve them.
The Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) Energy Group updated members about the establishment of the Emergency Backstop Reference Group.
The key priorities the reference group is addressing are:
- slow registration of inverter products
- DNSP utility scale server outages
- compatibility testing failure rates
- inconsistent processes across DNSPs and lack of support to installers and manufacturers
- inconsistent export limits
- legacy solar systems and whether the backstop applies.
Members acknowledged that the reference group is prioritising how to manage legacy systems and streamlining onsite testing to avoid failures but stressed that swift progress and engagement with installers and businesses is required.
Industry continues to have concerns about how the emergency backstop implementation is proceeding and it causing distress for installers and retailers. In response, DEECA and the DNSPs continue to provide resourcing to address identified issues.
Solar Victoria Notice to Market 2025–26
Solar Victoria provided an overview of proposed revisions for the 2025–26 edition of the Notice to Market. Key considerations for this edition are:
- further increasing consumer protections
- encouraging discussions at the point of sale regarding the customer’s needs today and, in the future, as well as how the customer may be intending to use their new energy technology, for example self-consumption of solar PV for water heating
- facilitating an integrated whole-of-home approach to support a customer as they embark on their electrification journey
- continuing to clarify and align on matters such as compatibility and interoperability for industry.
ICRG members gave feedback on consumer protections. The discussion focused on sales tactics, having products that are fit for purpose, warranties, technical uplifts, servicing and recycling.
Solar Victoria invited members to continue to provide feedback over the coming month. Solar Voctoria will advise members of final revisions to the 2025–26 edition at the April ICRG meeting.
The last meeting of the ICRG was held on Thursday 12 December 2024, with valuable insights and discussions which covered the following:
Implementation of the emergency backstop mechanism
It was noted there is broad industry support for the emergency backstop as an important mechanism to enable greater distributed energy resources (DER) uptake but that it must meet the needs of all parties.
DEECA Energy Group Acting Director of Networks and DER Integration, Claire Maries and Rod Jones from Ausnet/Energy Networks Australia on behalf of Distributed Network Service Providers (DNSPs) updated the group on issues and challenges over the past two months, including:
- grandfathering/ legacy systems
- national consistency
- registration and testing
- sequencing of licensed inspections
- inconsistent low static export limits
- flexible exports
- lack of internet on site.
They emphasised the substantial work invested in working through identified problems and will continue to consult with and listen to industry.
Solar Victoria and DEECA Energy will also bring together relevant parties to explore solutions to address concerns
Annual audit program update
Solar Victoria Director of Risk, Assurance and Standards, Ben Wright provided:
- the annual report on the audit program, identifying trends of non-compliance, especially in relation to battery installations
- an overview of actions Solar Victoria is implementing to mitigate risks and lift compliance.
Members discussed the low rate of full compliance in battery installations in the Solar Homes program. It was acknowledged that the issues are broad, from matters such as poor labelling practices through to electrical safety issues and mechanical protection from vehicle impact (in garages in particular) and fire protection.
Solar Victoria has provided significant guidance on common compliance issues, webinars, direct feedback to retailers and installers and free technical mentoring. These do not appear to have moved compliance significantly and Solar Victoria will increase its focus on poorer performers in 2025.
Members provided positive feedback on improved relationships and processes since the new contract with audit service provider TechSafe Australia commenced in 2024. Solar Victoria credited ICRG’s contribution to the audit program in relation to continuous improvement and swift resolution of issues within industry.
CEO Update
Solar Victoria CEO Stan Krpan briefed the group on:
- A continued emphasis on installation safety with more work being undertaken with Licensed Electrical Inspectors (LEIs) to improve inspection outcomes.
- Solar for Apartments – an extension for applications until 28 February 2025.
- Recent industry webinars have included a Hot Water Market Update in October, a Battery and PV Market Update in November, and a Battery Installation Compliance Webinar in December.
- The Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) strategic review is proceeding at pace, with strategic themes developing from initial stakeholder consultation. A discussion paper will be released in early 2025.
- The “Put the Sun to Work” advertising campaign is having a positive impact and includes branded resources for retailers to use.
- The Consumer Energy Resources Consumer Protections Review: Solar Victoria encouraged members to participate in this review through the Engage Victoria website.
- The Training and Workforce Development program, with offerings trending well. Solar Victoria is also working with the State Electricity Commission on how key training initiatives could transition to the SEC Centre of Training Excellence post the Solar Victoria program.
- Multi-factor Authentication for the Solar Victoria customer portal is on track to be introduced by Service Victoria on its platforms in early 2025.
The last meeting of the ICRG was held on Thursday 10 October 2024, with valuable insights and discussions which covered:
- consumer protections
- implementation of the emergency backstop mechanism
- performance of the Solar Homes Program hot water rebate
- current and future changes to the under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program’s hot water incentive.
Consumer protections
Solar Victoria Executive Director of Customer Experience, Digital and Delivery, Kate Barnes provided an update on progress on customer protections since the ICRG Consumer Protection Roundtable in April 2024.
The April meeting looked at sales tactics, exploitation of vulnerable cohorts, warranties, installation and equipment quality, and the need for streamlined complaint processes and uniform regulation beyond the Solar Homes Program, among other issues.
Solar Victoria emphasised this work underway:
- ensuring the Notice to Market and Terms and Conditions continue to act as tools that provide clear information to industry to minimise ambiguity, as well as being used as a basis for education and enforcement.
- focus areas including complaint management, high pressure sales and buy-now pay-later, and conduct of solar companies not part of the Solar Homes Program.
DEECA Energy Group Director of Energy Consumer Policy, Zoe Pilven updated the group on progress on the Consumer Energy Resources Consumer Protections Review which concludes in 2025.
Comments from members included:
- Consensus that a dispute resolution pathway for industry and customers is needed.
- What happens to consumer protections when the Solar Homes Program ends? Solar Victoria indicated it is planning for this and looking at regulations to emulate current controls.
- The Consumer Action Law Centre identified a complexity of complaints ranging from problems with equipment to quoting and estimates of savings.
- Industry needs to capture all points in the consumer complaints journey in a coordinated effort for the sake of consumers.
The ICRG will continue to focus on consumer protections. Solar Victoria looks forward to contributing insights to ensure consumers receive the best outcomes from their interactions with the renewable energy industry.
Emergency Backstop
Distributed Network Service Providers (DNSPs) and DEECA Energy Director Networks and DER Integration, Claire Maries updated the group on the emergency backstop mechanism. Claire thanked the group for its important feedback in the months leading up to its implementation.
Reports are that the rollout is slowly progressing and without major issues so far. There were several issues raised around communication with retailers and customers, which the DNSPs are working on.
There are also some issues relating to legacy solar system upgrades and the potential need to update functioning inverters. DNSPs will provide further guidance on compliant alternatives to inverter upgrades. Solar Victoria will monitor progress and provide an update at the December ICRG meeting.
Hot water rebate and activities
Solar Victoria Manager of Insights, Data and Reporting, Tim Renowden presented a deep dive into the data on the success of the hot water rebate. Members’ comments included:
- The need for more discussion on ensuring products are fit-for-purpose, especially for Victoria’s climate.
- Congratulations to Solar Victoria on its achievements, with acknowledgement there is still work needed on fit-for-purpose products, customer protections and transparency around benchmarks for OEMs.
Victorian Energy Upgrades Program Manager of Energy Efficiency Technologies, Jack Brown reported on the VEU hot water activities and highlighted that an external review on product quality had been commissioned.
The review found no evidence of quality issues in the program, and that protections created in program aligned with best practice. Members discussed the review findings and noted that there may still be issues remaining with the application of products in Victorian conditions.
Discussion on hot water heat pumps will be planned for future meetings.
CEO Update
Stan Krpan briefed the group on:
- new Director appointments at Solar Victoria.
- poor retailer and installer performers, investigations, integrity, and suspensions and cancellations of businesses from the program.
- the successful conclusion of the Renewable Energy Manufacturing Jobs project, with 31 job seekers from disadvantaged and underrepresented backgrounds finding employment in the industry.
- a snapshot on the training underway for electricians, plumbers, workers undertaking safety training and businesses using the business mentoring service.
- the launch of Solar for Apartments Round 2.
- Solar Victoria’s participation in the All-Energy Conference 2024.
The Industry and Consumer Reference Group (ICRG) met on Thursday 18 April 2024 and focused their discussion on consumer protections.
We invited many of our partner organisations to participate in a comprehensive discussion on what is being observed in the sector and pathways to increasing protections for consumers.
This roundtable came at the request of ICRG members who participated alongside invited stakeholder organisations.
Consumer protection roundtable
We invited Energy Consumers Australia (ECA), the Victorian Council of Social Services (VCOSS), the Energy and Water Ombudsman of Victoria (EWOV), the Essential Services Commission (ESC), Energy Safe Victoria (ESV), the NETCC administrator (the CEC), Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV), DEECA Energy and the Consumer Action Law Centre (CALC) to participate in the roundtable discussion.
The session started with presentations from Solar Victoria, DEECA, CALC, EWOV, ESC and CAV on issues and future actions, followed by a facilitated discussion.
In summary, the meeting pointed to what could be done now and in the future in the following areas:
- A clear pathway needed for consumers to have their complaints heard and disputes resolved.
- A clear way forward for consumer protections at the end of the Solar Homes Program.
- Better consumer protections on warranties.
- Initiatives to address the complexity of the market, with better ways for protecting and guidance for consumers to inform themselves and be informed.
- The actions currently underway to prohibit some sales tactics across various government programs needs to be monitored and evaluated.
- Clear pathways for businesses to report bad behaviour amongst their peers.
CEO update
Stan Krpan reported to the group on:
- the Solar for Apartments Program
- Solar Victoria Residential Electrification Grants
- the transition from Clean Energy Regulator (CER) installer accreditation to Solar Accreditation Australia (see Opportunity to fortify the solar accreditation scheme)
- the Solar Victoria Notice to Market 2024–25
- continuing and new training programs including the new Renewable Homes Construction Training for electrification and seven-star homes
- the release of a promotional pack that Solar Homes retailers can use to raise awareness of rebates and loans
- Solar Victoria’s training programs continuing to support electricians to take up qualifications as LEIs and its work with ESV and NECA to address the supply and training of LEIs, including through its funded mentoring program for new LEIs.
The last meeting of the ICRG was held on Thursday 15 February 2024, with valuable insights and discussions on industry matters, safety standards, and consumer protection.
Several matters were discussed with updates that covered:
- a presentation by Mark O’Brien, Inspector from WorkSafe Victoria (WSV)
- final consultations on the proposed Solar Victoria Notice to Market
- an update from the Solar Victoria CEO, Stan Krypan.
ICRG members were supportive of the approach provided on each of these items.
CEO Update
Stan Krpan briefed the group on several matters in his report. Members were particularly interested in:
- A recent increase in the recall of inverters and batteries. Solar Victoria is working closely with ESV to address customer safety and making sure that manufacturers and installers are maintaining compliance with the applicable standards and regulations.
- The Clean Energy Regulator’s installer accreditation provider appointment process. Members were keen to see the transition process did not leave new installers unaccredited for an extended period. Solar Victoria assured the group that it was working closely with all parties and would assess its own requirements if there was a potential gap in the transition to the new provider.
WorkSafe Victoria presentation
Inspector O’Brien introduced the WSV solar project, highlighting the collaborative efforts between WSV and Solar Victoria to ensure Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) compliance on solar installation sites.
He noted substantial improvements in safety and compliance since 2018, particularly in fall protection standards. Members engaged in discussions with WSV regarding:
- sun safety practices, with WSV emphasising regular engagement and promotion of SunSmart activities
- de-energizing roof spaces before work, a concern referred to Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) for guidance.
Notice to Market 2024–25
The ICRG endorsed the Notice to Market proposals for 2024–25.
Consumer protections focus
Members raised further concerns about consumer protections. The upcoming April meeting will centre on consumer protections, featuring a round-table with peak bodies, consumer groups, and government entities.
The second meeting of the ICRG for this term was held on Thursday 12 October 2023. Several industry matters were discussed with updates that covered:
- the solar battery loans incentive
- Solar for Apartments
- program refinements, including enabling existing customers to access PV or hot water rebates when they move property in Victoria, and enabling early adopters to access the solar panel (PV) rebate to replace systems after 10 years
- Solar Victoria Residential Electrification Grants (SVREG) Expression of Interest
- Voice of the Customer outcomes, including insights on customer attitudes to electrification.
ICRG members were supportive of the approach provided on each of these items.
Program updates
Refinements to eligibility criteria
ICRG members welcomed the changes announced to program eligibility regarding the ‘one property’ and ‘ten-year’ rule and highlighted that these changes will deliver improved customer outcomes.
These eligibility criteria were the subject of previous discussions with ICRG members and the changes introduced clearly demonstrate Solar Victoria’s engagement with the sector.
The update included information on:
- Solar for Apartments
- Solar Homes Program refinements
- allowing existing customers who are moving properties to ‘start again’
- changes to the replacement of old systems rule
- Residential Electrification Grants
Solar battery loans
There were some concerns about delays in application processing for battery loans, and Solar Victoria outlined its strategy to reduce processing times and enhance the customer experience, including:
- increases to short-term resources to immediately assist with the backlog of applications
- updating communications to more clearly define the full requirements on website, user guide and email instructions
- process improvements (including technology) across the customer application journey
- additional support for retailers and customers, including communications, briefings and engagement with retailers
- monitoring of responsible lending thresholds.
Safety and quality
ICRG members urged Solar Victoria to ensure safety and quality standards continue to be upheld in the Solar for Apartments and Solar Victoria Residential Electrification Grants programs, and that regulators are consulted on issues around installations for Solar for Apartments.
Solar Victoria assured members that the highest standards of worker and customer protections would be enforced, and that Solar Victoria is working closely with regulators on this.
Voice of the Customer update
Solar Victoria updated the ICRG on the latest Voice of the Customer surveys and research which showed most customers are satisfied with our performance, and that rebates are an important influence in purchasing decisions for solar panel (PV), hot water and batteries.
There is also high satisfaction with retailers and installers, with 82 per cent of survey respondents satisfied with their retailer 12 months post-installation.
Solar Victoria asked customers about their interest in all-electric homes, and 65 per cent indicated their interest in other Solar Victoria programs to help them move to all-electric.
ICRG members were interested in more detailed information on demographics and behaviour change on electrification. This will be an item on the agenda of the meeting in December, and we will report on that information at a future date.
August 2023
The first meeting of the ICRG for this term was held on Thursday 3 August 2023. Several industry matters were discussed and covered the following:
CEO update
CEO Stan Krpan provided an update on current opportunities and issues in the industry and developments in Solar Victoria’s programs. These included:
- our 2023–24 priorities and business plan, including rebate numbers, focus on apartments and rental properties, consumer awareness and education, and rebate/loan accessibility along with a continuing focus on safety and quality
- household electrification announcements including the State Government requirement for new homes and residential subdivisions to only connect to all-electric networks from 1 January 2024
- changes to program requirements in the Solar Victoria Notice to Market 2023–24, including five new mandatory requirements relating to heat pumps, recording product serial numbers, mandating the New Energy Tech Consumer Code (NETCC) for Solar Victoria authorised solar retailers, and strengthening consumer protections
- an update on the Clean Energy Regulator Installer Accreditation and Product Approval processes for the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES)
- the new ban on telemarketing in the Victorian Energy Upgrades program and considering the position in the Solar Homes Program
- future topics for the forward agenda for the ICRG including skills and training, State Electricity Commission, gender representation, Solar Homes Program accessibility, product stewardship, and consumers’ energy literacy.
The ICRG will monitor product approvals under the SRES for any adverse impact on industry, and Solar Victoria is looking at how best to monitor this situation and act on impacts.
Program updates
Solar Victoria reported to the group on program updates and changes.
Director of Industry Development and Technology, Anita Smith provided an overview of our training and workforce development initiatives, including:
- our focus on current skill gaps and shortages of skilled electricians, plumbers and Licensed Electrical Inspectors (LEIs), as well as low participation of women in the industry
- our training agenda for 2023 continuing to provide subsidised apprenticeships for women, training for electricians and plumbers, technical mentoring and support for electricians and LEIs, and safety leadership skills for site supervisors
- establishing a regional delivery model for VU22744 Work Safely in the Solar Industry (WSIS) training
- new initiatives to support safe handling of solar panels, and an initiative to support First Peoples to enter the solar PV industry.
ICRG members expressed concern regarding industry readiness to support delivery of the emergency backstop mechanism across Victoria, and suggested some basic training on an emergency backstop should be mandatory.
Executive Director of Policy, Programs and Industry Development, Paul Corkill updated members on the 30 June 2023 closure of Solar for Business, the Zero Emissions Vehicle subsidy and battery rebates, and outlined how we are case managing customers.
Executive Director of Customer Experience, Digital and Delivery, Kate Barnes updated members on Solar Battery Loans launched on 1 July 2023 and highlighted the effort in delivering the program in 6 weeks with minimal disruption, and our focus on customer education and responsible lending practices.
Solar Victoria will closely monitor risks in this program. Stan Krpan also advised the group of our commitment to refining the customer’s experience applying for a solar battery loan.
Risk, Assurance and Standards update
Director of Risk, Assurance and Standards, Michael Greenwood provided an overview of our Safety, Quality and Audit program including current trends, and compliance and uplift strategies including:
- audit numbers and actions against retailers
- the downward trend in unsafe installations
- WorkSafe’s continuing focus on working safely at height and enforcement
- lag in industry compliance when new standards are introduced, especially for batteries, and an increase in compliance issues in PV
- 650 audits of batteries have uncovered issues of concern with 1.) wiring, 2.) earthing and insulation, and 3.) location and labelling of batteries.
- work with Energy Safe Victoria to update audit checklists focusing on risk areas
- new solar panel (PV) and battery technical guidance sheets published to the Solar Victoria website, with hot water technical guidance sheets to follow.
This was the final meeting of this term of the ICRG and a new group will convene later this year.
The ICRG meeting held on 5 April 2023 highlighted the achievements in which the ICRG played a role over the past three years and its value to the Solar Homes Program. These included:
- the introduction of PV rebates for new builds
- digitising hot water rebates to expand their uptake
- enhanced consumer protections
- better worker safety and training
- substantial feedback on the Solar Victoria Notice to Market 2023–24.
CEO update
CEO Stan Krpan provided an update on current issues in the industry and developments in Solar Victoria’s programs, including:
- Progress in appointing new members to the ICRG via the EOI process and appointing a new Chair.
- The hot water portal launch and the improvements in customer experience, with 73 per cent of customers going digitally straight through, and the launch of a Solar Victoria training initiative to upskill plumbers in partnership with the Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre.
- Options Solar Victoria is considering in cooperation with the Department of Education and Training Victoria to increase access to Working Safely in Solar training, especially in rural/regional areas. several
- The Solar Victoria Notice to Market 2023–24 finalisation with a release date soon.
- Audit results and compliance. Solar Victoria has written to all retailers and installers flagging several recurrent issues appearing in audit results and will work closely with the industry to boost performance. Solar Victoria and WorkSafe have also written to the industry about ongoing issues with safely working at heights.
Reflections in this term of the ICRG
Industry and Consumer Reference Group Chair, Ivor Frischknecht, led a session reflecting on the successes of the ICRG and Solar Victoria. The discussion highlighted:
The successes:
- Members commended Solar Victoria on its engagement with the ICRG and several commented that it was the most productive and engaged forum across Government which they had experienced and stood as an exemplar.
- Solar Victoria’s work on Distributed Energy Resources (DER) grid integration, including inverter standards and settings, increased battery deployments and Virtual Power Plant (VPP) trials.
- Setting and raising the benchmarks for safety through technical guidance sheets, the training and workforce development program, the Working Safely in Solar mandatory training rollout etc, noting how the focus on safety is worth it to achieve the appropriate standards and will benefit industry in the long run.
- The ICRG enabling a respectful and constructive dialog between industry and the Victorian Government, assisted by Solar Victoria.
Future challenges:
- Managing demand and minimising volatility to manage industry costs and disruption.
- Addressing current gaps in education so consumers understand how demand response and other grid integrated energy solutions will prove beneficial both for them and the broader community.
- Continuing to simplify the renewable energy market for consumers and industry.
- Maintaining Solar Victoria’s responsiveness to align with changes in the scope of its operations and programs.
- Workforce issues, including skills shortages, retention and gender equity.
Members commended Solar Victoria for continuing its engagement via the ICRG and suggested a broader adoption of this model for other Australian states.
Virtual Power Plant (VPP) trial
Paul Corkill, Executive Director of Policy, Programs and Industry Development provided an overview of Solar Victoria’s VPP trial and shared some of the learning from the pilot.
This included: 480 rebates were provided for VPP-enabled batteries under the pilot. While the VPP rebate was more valuable than for a regular battery, it is challenging to get consumers signed up compared to PV as the approach is far more complex. Customers must be ready to install solar PV, a battery and then to engage in conversations about VPP. Negotiation of significant consumer protections into funding agreements with providers. VPPs are important in the grid of the future but for them to be successful, consumer trust is essential.
Paul also set out the next research phase of the project with a focus on increasing customer engagement over VPPs, which will be carried out over the next 2 years.
The ICRG meeting held on 8 February 2023 covered the following:
CEO update
CEO Stan Krpan provided an update on current issues in the industry and developments in Solar Victoria’s programs, including:
- preview of the year ahead
- progress on the Notice to Market;
- update on the digitisation of the hot water rebate
The work of Ivor Frischknecht as outgoing Chair of the ICRG was acknowledged after he announced that he would not be seeking another term.
The work on renewal of the ICRG membership was outlined, with the April meeting being the last of this term, and the new term of the ICRG having a first meeting in June.
A member raised a question about the difficulty and expense (due to distance) in accessing Solar Victoria mandatory training for industry workers in rural/regional areas. Solar Victoria is investigating this issue, liaising with TAFEs and the Department of Education and looking at funding streams to alleviate the problem.
WorkSafe compliance and enforcement update
Steven Thornley, Group Leader, Construction for WorkSafe joined the group to report on compliance in the residential solar sector, inspection data and findings, the level of non-compliance, and prohibition and improvement notices issued.
WorkSafe undertook seven prosecutions in 2022 within the solar industry and ran a blitz in December with over 40 inspections. All breaches detected amongst solar installers in the blitz involved risk of fall from heights.
The focus for 2023 will be again, to minimise risk of falls with additional inspectors available and more being recruited. WorkSafe also highlighted the importance of its collaboration with Solar Victoria in ensuring safe working conditions in the sector.
Danny Filazzola from the Electrical Trades Union commented that the standards enforced under the Solar Homes Program had undoubtedly saved lives and that the union had endorsed mandatory face-to-face training from the beginning of the program. He continued that the whole industry should compliment itself for these improved safety outcomes.
There were also several questions from the members around the details of planning and implementation of safety measures. All members were highly engaged in the discussion, reflecting that safety is still a top priority in the Solar Homes Program.
Hot water update
Anita Smith, Director of Industry Development and Technology and John Kenyon, Director Enterprise Project Delivery at Solar Victoria, reported on the progress in the digitisation of the hot water rebate. Since the February meeting, the initiative has been launched. Members offered their congratulations on delivering the hot water rebate on to the portal.
There were also suggestions regarding the need for timers on hot water systems, an issue that is being raised in the Notice to Market consultations, and on ensuring that new retailers in the hot water rebate were properly vetted to ensure worker and customer protections.
Maintenance and safety of systems
Michael Greenwood, Director of Risk, Assurance and Standards at Solar Victoria provided an update on incidents involving fire associated with battery installations and the need for regular maintenance of systems to ensure that such incidents do not re-occur.
Michael highlighted three product failures that have led to fires in units installed outside the program. Nevertheless, Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) is observing some older systems with poor maintenance history causing issues. Solar Victoria will be working closely with ESV on a campaign to promote regular maintenance. The battery safety project will also be supporting ESV in its endeavours to update standards across the country.
Members emphasised that it is important that maintenance needs to be carried out by authorised and trained electricians that are battery and solar specialists. There was also discussion about poor-quality DC isolators—installed historically—which may increase the risk of fire incidents. There was concern about the capacity of the industry to resource ongoing maintenance given the workforce shortage issues that are prevalent across the electrical industry.
The ICRG meeting held on 14 December 2022 covered the following:
CEO update
CEO Stan Krpan provided an update on current issues in the industry and developments in Solar Victoria’s programs, including:
- Machinery of Government changes, including Solar Victoria moving to the Department of Energy, Environment & Climate Action (DEECA)
- expression of interest process for renewal of the ICRG;
- closure of the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades (HHCU) program
- closure of the South Australian Battery List previously used by Solar Victoria as its approved battery product list, and the announcement that Solar Victoria would maintain its own list starting in the New Year
- ending the customer phase of the Virtual Power Plant Pilot Project and beginning a two-year research phase to glean insights on customer behaviour
- an update on the digitisation of the hot water rebate
- a report on delays to applications and payments due to the diversion of Solar Victoria Customer Experience staff to call centre support for the relief effort for recent flood events and an increase in applications
New Energy Tech Consumer Code (NETCC)
Members were keen to hear more about the NETCC and its introduction in 2023. Solar Victoria invited Mindy Lim, Compliance Program Manager at the Clean Energy Council (CEC), to give the group an overview of the NETCC which will set good practice for the residential and small business customers with new energy tech products, systems and services. It will replace the Approved Solar Retailer program on 1 February 2023 and Approved Solar Retailers (ASRs) will automatically transition to become New Energy Tech Approved Sellers on 18 January 2023. The CEC will be the Administrator of the NETCC.
Members expressed concern about the pause in onboarding for Approved Solar Retailers (ASRs), from October 2022 to February 2023 while the NETCC is being established.
Addressing Modern Slavery in the Clean Energy Sector
Members have also been interested to hear about the work being done on modern slavery in the industry’s supply chains. Nick Aberle, Policy Director, Energy Generation and Storage at the CEC set out the work the CEC is doing on Modern Slavery, including:
- the setting up of a member working group
- launching a pledge against modern slavery
- authoring a white paper on risk to the industry and strategies to counter modern slavery
- mapping of supply chains and contributing to a government review of the Modern Slavery Act.
The CEC has recently launched a report on this topic available through its website.
Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU)
Lashae Roulston, Director, Energy Demand Efficiency Policy, DELWP (now DEECA) and Gabrielle Henry, Executive Director, Victorian Energy Upgrades, Essential Services Commission presented a brief overview of VEU, the voluntary Victorian government initiative that provides incentives for Victorians to make energy-efficiency improvements to their homes and businesses.
Feedback from members included:
- Interest in seeing the results of the review of hot water and an improvement in the quality of some hot water products that are currently available under VEU.
- Some marketing practices in this area are concerning.
- A concern that low-income households may not be benefiting from VEU.
- A comment on how VEU has created a great deal of employment along with efficiency and stands alone in Australia as an extraordinary program for the community.
Notice to Market Update for 2023–24
Anita Smith, Director of Industry Development and Technology, updated the group on the purpose and future aims of the Notice to Market and the current process to receive stakeholder feedback on a range of mandatory and recommended proposals. As you know, Solar Victoria’s Notice to Market provides industry with a clear overview of the rules and expectations for participation in the Solar Homes and Solar for Business programs for each year.
Engagement with key stakeholders is currently underway and Solar Victoria will organise an in-depth session with the ICRG to test new recommended and mandatory requirements in February 2023.
Feedback from the group included:
- A question on what is being planned to support greater electrification. Solar Victoria will highlight emerging policy and will not look to any mandatory requirements in this area at this stage
- A request for Solar Victoria to look at controllability of all types of supported systems including the social license for control, especially for batteries, where consumer understanding and approval for third party control is low.
The ICRG meeting held on 5 October 2022 covered the following:
CEO update
CEO Stan Krpan provided an update on current issues in the industry and developments in Solar Victoria’s programs, including:
- program uptake
- new builds
- inverter settings
- Solar Victoria at events
- the new risk-based class of Licensed Electrical Inspector
- a survey of ICRG members to guide the group forward
- Caretaker conventions
Several matters and program developments were tabled:
- Solar Homes has now reached over 260,000 Victorians. There has been a steady increase in rebate applications since May and a significant number of applications since Solar Victoria opened applications for customers with homes under construction. The removal of the one rebate rule has also driven an increase in approved applications for the combination of solar and energy efficient hot water rebates.
- Stan thanked the ICRG for its advocacy for opening PV rebates to homes under construction and noted that this measure would speed up the electrification of Victorian homes. Solar Victoria will be monitoring feedback from stakeholders on the impact of the change.
- There are ongoing issues with AS/NZS 4777.2 2020 implementation and Solar Victoria reported that it is working closely with DELWP’s DER Strategy Team with communications to the industry to support correct configuration of inverters.
- Solar Victoria has attended many events over the past months, providing excellent opportunities to promote incentives across the programs and gather feedback from various cohorts including farmers and businesses. Solar Victoria has had a presence at the Gippsland Renewable Energy Conference and Melbourne Home Show in August, the Melbourne Royal Show in September-October, and the Elmore and District Machinery Field Days, Wandin-Silvan Field Days, House and Land Expo, MBAV Green Living Conference and All Energy Australia in October.
- Solar Victoria reported back on the roll out of the new class of Licensed Electrical Inspector (LEI) to inspect renewable electricity systems, which came into effect on 23 October. The new class will be rolled out over the next 18 months and the team will continue to support the initiative with professional development initiatives over the coming months.
- Stan outlined the implications of the caretaker period during the state election campaign. Conventions allow for the business of government to continue, while ensuring apolitical communications. This may lead to reducing interaction with the group other than those related to ongoing operational matters.
Update on solar hot water rebate
Solar Victoria Executive Director of Customer Experience Kate Barnes, and Solar Victoria Director, CX Strategy and Insights John Kenyon updated the group on the progress in transferring the solar hot water rebate from a manual to a digital (on the portal) process.
A short external review by Digital Victoria, interviewing a small number of stakeholders, confirmed that there are major pain points including:
- issues with the manual time-consuming application process
- the process for emergency installations
- the product list
- the need for a faster payment process and to also maintain high levels of quality and safety.
The findings will be incorporated into the redesign of the solar hot water rebate application process and its digitisation. Solar Victoria will engage closely industry to enhance and build during the first stage.
The vision of the project is to deliver a fast and efficient solar hot water rebate transaction, and in the future integrate it into Solar Victoria’s overall product offering to support an increase in rebate uptake, including by vulnerable customers.
Members welcomed the review and the progress being made by Solar Victoria.
Replacement systems eligibility review
Solar Victoria Executive Director of Policy, Program and Industry Development Paul Corkill and Product Stewardship Lead Seamus Balkin reported back to the group on the replacement of systems post-November 2009. Customers are not eligible to claim a rebate to replace an existing system installed after this date.
There have been reports that this rule may not have been followed by some customers for various reasons such as:
- faulty systems being replaced, the desire for a bigger system or the homeowner having recently purchased the property and being unaware of the prior installation date.
Solar Victoria has investigated these reports and has responded with proposed actions that were tested with the group including:
- promote eligibility requirement for replacing existing systems to customers and strengthen the application process
- extend positive (and reasonable) obligations to solar retailers of compliance with existing systems criteria
- conduct more sophisticated data matching
- deliver communications to industry to clarify policy and enforcement activities
- engage ICRG and other stakeholders (early 2023) to codesign any changes to the existing systems criteria.
Members were concerned that some customers may have been misled by retailers on this rule. It was generally agreed that there were some good reasons to replace damaged or faulty systems under the rebate.
Solar Victoria has undertaken to look at the best way to flag existing systems that have been removed for retailers and will come back to the group for further consultation on any modification to the rule.
Update on Solar Victoria audit processes and outcomes
Solar Victoria Director of Risk, Assurance and Standards Michael Greenwood and Manager of Assurance and Audit Carmen Pace updated the group on the latest audit processes and outcomes. This was in response to questions the group had raised on how audits are conducted and how installers can interact with Solar Victoria and its auditors about audit results. It was noted:
- There is ample opportunity to provide feedback to the independent auditors TechSafe, and Solar Victoria within the clear audit timelines.
- Audits are undertaken by LEIs and A-grade electricians and TechSafe has a senior technical advisor to review final drafts and reports.
- Solar Victoria conducts quality assurance checks on final reports and meets regularly with TechSafe to discuss key findings and technical issues.
- Solar Victoria has quality assurance and continuous improvement at the centre of its contract management with TechSafe, its contracted auditor.
- The improving outcomes data from installation audits demonstrates that the drive for continuous improvement is successful across the life of the program so far.
Solar Victoria will continue to welcome feedback on audit processes and outcomes and will also continue to ‘check the checker.’
Voice of the Customer update
Solar Victoria Manager Customer Systems, Reporting and Insights Tim Renowden updated the group on the how the Voice of the Customer (VOC) program embeds customer feedback into Solar Victoria’s programs and set out some significant recent results in customer and industry surveys:
- VOC is an important part of integrating the customer journey into our programs and to measure how Solar Victoria is tracking against performance targets.
- Automation has led to significant increases in survey responses this year.
- Surveys are codesigned with program managers and a cross organisation working group with 12 new surveys developed across batteries, PV, Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades, Zero Emissions Vehicles, solar hot water and the industry.
- Customer satisfaction has improved since 2021 for most key measures. 73 per cent of customers are saving more than expected on bills, and 74 per cent have changed how they use energy since installation. There are further good results on satisfaction with Solar Victoria, retailers and installed systems.
Solar Victoria will look at how it can best communicate information that is useful to retailers on customer experience that industry can use in business processes and customer education.
The ICRG meeting held on 3 August 2022 covered the following:
- CEO update
- market conditions update
- Victoria’s Gas Substitution Roadmap
- DNSP actions on grid stability and the integration of distributed energy resource.
CEO update
CEO Stan Krpan provided an update on current issues in the industry and developments in Solar Victoria’s programs, including:
- current Victorian Government advice on COVID-19
- skills and training
- crystalline silica regulations
- the re-opening of the supplier panel for the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades program
- South Australia’s battery list
- breach of the rule against replacement PV systems
- end-of-life management of PV panels and system replacement.
Several matters and program developments were tabled:
- Solar Victoria has continued the implementation of its Training and Workforce Development package, having recently contracted another training provider for Licensed Electrical Inspector Training in Southeast Melbourne. Solar Victoria is also encouraging more electricians to undertake its subsidised PV and battery training. This initiative has been well subscribed and has extra funding to support additional trainees. Solar Victoria has concluded its webinar series to support women to work in the solar industry.
- WorkSafe has provided guidance to Solar Victoria that roof cutting of tiles during solar installation will not require an engineered stone licence. Solar installers will still need to assess whether the work they are undertaking meets the definition of a crystalline silica process and utilise appropriate safety controls.
- Solar Victoria will re-open its supplier panel for the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades (HHCU) program in the coming weeks to expand the number of suppliers in the program. It is anticipated that re-opening the panel will lead to greater program availability in regional Victoria.
- The South Australian (SA) Home Battery Scheme is being closed by the South Australian Government. Solar Victoria utilises the SA Battery Scheme product list and will now need to consider alternatives including the option of implementing its own product list for batteries.
- Solar Victoria is aware of a small number of retailers and installers not complying with its rule to not allow rebated PV installations for homeowners who already have solar PV systems installed after 1 November 2009 (see: Am I eligible?). Systems installed prior to this date were incentivised through premium feed-in-tariffs. Solar Victoria has investigated retailers and installers where this rule is not followed and will take appropriate action including denying payment of a rebate.
- Solar Victoria is considering several mechanisms to support recycling and end-of-life management of PV systems and will brief the ICRG at an upcoming meeting.
Market conditions update
Warwick Johnston from the consultancy SunWiz provided an update on the Australian and Victorian solar PV market.
Recent indicators for Victoria are down compared to the rest of the country, with Small-scale Technology Certificate (STC) and lead generation below other comparable jurisdictions. The reasons for this relative underperformance are not clear.
Anecdotal experience from ICRG members suggest demand is strong but skills and supply are constraining their businesses. System costs are trending upwards due to high transport and fuel costs and there is no sign this will change soon. Battery uptake is trending up both in Victoria and nationally.
Victoria’s Gas Substitution Roadmap
DELWP Energy Group Director, Energy Strategy Katie Brown briefed ICRG members on the Government’s strategic plan to decarbonise the gas sector, Victoria’s Gas Substitution Roadmap. It was noted that the roadmap was designed to enable consumer choice and facilitate the electrification of Victorian homes.
Key points tabled include:
- Electrification will play a dominant role in reducing gas use this decade. Analysis of Victorian network demand has demonstrated there is significant headroom to increase electrification of grid connected homes.
- Households will save significant dollar amounts through electrification as enabled through both Victorian Energy Upgrades and Solar Victoria programs.
- Incentives for gas appliances will be phased out by 2023, and the requirement for new developments to be gas connected will be removed this year.
- Alternative gases such as biomethane and hydrogen will be essential to support the decarbonisation of large industry and manufacturing sectors.
Comments from the group included:
- Consumers are still regularly advised that gas is a cheaper energy source than electricity and that messaging around clean hydrogen could confuse customers looking to transition to all electric homes.
- Regional customers relying on gas may not have access to sufficient network capacity to support upgrading to an all-electric home. There is also the increased risk of relying on one form of energy only.
- Concern over the reliance on overseas manufacturing to support the change-over to heat pump technology, and the technical limitations of heat pumps to participate in demand response and network firming activities.
- A question on support for low-income households, with the upfront costs of electric appliances.
DNSP actions on grid stability and the integration of distributed energy resource
Representatives of Citipower, Powercor, United Energy, Jemena and Ausnet detailed key actions being undertaken to manage network voltage and enable distributed energy resource integration:
- Citipower, Powercor and United Energy have been investing heavily in voltage management initiatives to reduce export limiting and network constraints. These include a dynamic voltage management system which utilises real time data on customer voltage to optimise substation performance.
- Jemena has conducted several transformer optimisation actions to reduce voltage constraints and enable solar exports and is working further to utilise real-time feedback data to enable network-wide voltage management.
- Ausnet is targeting constrained substations for upgrades and improvements to support solar exports. They have a solar enablement program focused on voltage performance, network solutions and new technologies. This includes an opt-in dynamic operating envelope trial to enable flexible exports and Project Edge, a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) project that is also rebated through the Solar Victoria VPP pilot program.
The group discussed the social licence for new technology, such as dynamic exporting which requires a degree of network control over customers’ inverters. Ausnet noted that these customers were already export constrained and were willing to trial dynamic exporting in order to increase their exports.
The group thanked the DNSPs for contributing valuable information on work being undertaken to support the increased integration of distributed energy resources into the grid.
The ICRG meeting held on 1 June 2022 covered the following:
- CEO update
- Current supply-chain and market conditions for solar products in Victoria
- DELWP Energy update on distributed energy resources management and compliance
- Update on the Consumer Protection Review.
CEO update
CEO Stan Krpan gave an update on current issues in the industry and developments in Solar Victoria’s programs, including:
- Ausnet connection processes
- inverter compliance
- inverter and solar panel compatibility
- The Solar Victoria Notice to Market 2022–23
- Solar hot water and Solar for Business program changes
- Solar Victoria’s 2023 training and workforce development program.
Several industry matters and program developments were tabled:
- Solar Victoria has engaged directly with Ausnet to relay the group’s concerns regarding connection processes. Ausnet has acknowledged it has had a conservative approach to connection applications and export limits but is working towards increasing distributed energy resources (DER) integration.
- The Clean Energy Council (CEC), Smart Energy Council (SEC), Solar Victoria and DELWP are all working to address issues with inverter compliance under the Australian standard AS/NZS4777.2.
- There have also been recent issues regarding the interpretation of installation standard AS/NZS 5033:2021 and combinations of certain inverter and PV panel products. Solar Victoria is aware of several issues regarding interpretations of AS/NZS standards and is keen to engage with industry on an ongoing basis on standards.
- The Solar Victoria Notice to Market 2022–23 was released on 1 June 2022. It contains no new mandatory requirements and five recommended requirements.
- There are several new program changes in the market. The Solar for Business program will now have expanded eligibility, including businesses with less than 50 full-time equivalent staff. Applicants will also be able to access a system with a maximum inverter size of 30kw and an interest free loan of $1000-$5000 at up to 50 per cent of installation cost. Eligible Victorian households will now also be able to access both the solar PV and solar hot water rebate.
- Solar Victoria held an out of session ICRG consultation on 18 May 2022 to inform design of Solar Victoria’s 2023 training program. Members suggested that Solar Victoria focus on including more battery training, providing training opportunities for regional areas, and looking at how to best attract people to the renewable energy sector.
Regulatory Standards update
Solar Victoria provided an update on several installation and product standards that have come into effect in the last 12 months:
- It became apparent in September 2021 there was an issue with the supply of compliant DC-isolators certified to the AS/NZS 4777.2.2020 standard.
- Solar Victoria worked with regulators to provide an extension until 30 June 2022 to enable suppliers and manufacturers to achieve certification under the standard.
- Solar Victoria is not aware of any major supply chain challenges or concerns affecting the supply of compliant DC isolators after 30 June 2022.
- The updated safety standard AS/NZS 5033:2021 came into effect on 19 May 2022 and Solar Victoria has taken a proactive role in communicating changes with industry.
Solar Homes Program uptake data
Solar Victoria tabled Solar Homes Program snapshot data, which demonstrated a slight uptick across all rebate streams in May and a significant increase in solar hot water applications since the removal of the “one rebate rule” for solar hot water.
Changes to the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES)
The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) provided an overview of current and future changes to the SRES scheme following the release of CER’s Integrity Review of the Rooftop Solar PV Sector in September 2022.
Phase one reforms commenced on 1 April 2022 and include updated written statement requirements for solar installers and designers, collation of inverter serial numbers from manufacturers and importers and new powers for the CER to declare solar installers and retailers ineligible under the SRES scheme.
Phase two reforms commence from 1 July 2022 onwards and include reassessment of the solar accreditation scheme and consultation regarding the nominated publisher of approved inverter and solar panel products. This could lead to additional accreditors to the CEC under the SRES scheme.
The ICRG meeting held on 6 April 2022 covered the following:
- CEO update
- Current supply-chain and market conditions for solar products in Victoria
- DELWP Energy update on distributed energy resources management and compliance
- Update on the Consumer Protection Review;
CEO update
CEO Stan Krpan gave an update on current issues in the industry and developments in Solar Victoria's programs, including:
- COVID-19 guidelines.
- The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) is implementing several changes to the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme. Solar Victoria has invited the CER to the next ICRG meeting on 1 June 2022 to discuss these changes.
- Solar Victoria data and industry feedback shows that the solar industry has not bounced back from the latest round of COVID-19 public health protections as expected. There are several factors affecting consumer sentiment including supply-chain issues, the diminishing feed-in tariff and low electricity prices. Solar PV rebate uptake is flat, but there is strong consumer interest in battery rebates and the Zero Emissions Vehicle Subsidy
- The Notice to Market 2022–23 has been settled with your input and Solar Victoria is aiming to publish it in April 2022, with the rebate value amounts to be published later.
- Several of Solar Victoria's Phase 2 training initiatives are now available in the market, including the apprenticeships for women initiative, upskilling electricians to install solar PV and battery systems, and mental health first aid training through St John's Ambulance Victoria.
Stan noted that several program adjustments to increase demand were currently being considered and discussed more broadly with government.
Current supply-chain and market conditions for solar products in Victoria
Solar energy consultant Warwick Johnston from Sunwiz and solar wholesaler Andrew Burgess from Solar Juice presented on current market trends for solar PV in Victoria and nationally.
They noted the downward trend in solar installations across the country, as well as the strong and continuing interest in battery storage. It was noted that logistics, global shortages of key components, strong PV demand in China and the increasing demand for lithium were driving up prices of solar PV and battery system components.
DELWP Energy update on distributed energy resources management and compliance
Katie Brown updated the group on DELWP Energy's work on distributed energy resources (DER) technical standards. It was noted that solar PV inverters are frequently being incorrectly configured and this was having a significant impact on grid integration. Low levels of inverter compliance may lead to poor outcomes for the solar industry including more zero or curtailed export limits and an emergency solar disconnection as has been implemented in South Australia.
Members noted the need for stronger communications from Distributed Network Service Providers (DNSPs) on inverter compliance and noted that training may be required for installers to support inverter compliance.
Update on the Consumer Protection Review
Solar Victoria has recently completed its Consumer Protection Review which has made a total of 21 preliminary recommendations for the Solar Homes Program. There are four key consumer protection issues identified which formed the basis of the review's recommendations to Solar Victoria:
- Unsolicited sales.
- Requiring a uniform or proforma template for quoting.
- Providing for an independent external dispute resolution.
- Protections and warranties.
The next steps for Solar Victoria are further consultation and collaboration with stakeholders to enact the review's recommendations. It was noted that Solar Victoria typically only receives a small number of complaints which are often voluntarily resolved by retailers and installers.
The ICRG meeting held on 2 February 2022 covered the following:
- CEO update
- Final consultation on the Solar Victoria Notice to Market 2022–23
- WorkSafe update on cutting silica products
- Update on non-compliance management in the Solar Homes Program
CEO update
Solar Victoria CEO Stan Krpan gave an update on current issues in the industry and developments in Solar Victoria’s programs, including:
- COVID-19 restrictions and impact for the solar industry
- the Virtual Power Plant pilot program
- Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades (HHCU) Program partnership with Homes Victoria for community housing organisations
- the Solar for Business Program
- the Training and Workforce Development package.
Solar Victoria noted that COVID-19 had a continued impact on its installation pipeline. Members were advised to complete installation of their oldest sales first (first in first out), to ensure customers receive the rebate values provided at time of quote.
There are several program developments currently underway:
- The Virtual Power Plant pilot program was announced in December 2021. There are six offerings from five providers with battery rebates at the higher value of $4,174.
- Solar Victoria has also recently soft-launched its collaboration with Homes Victoria to provide joint funding for HHCU Program installations for community housing organisations.
- The Solar for Business Program will soon expand to offer businesses zero interest loans. This is on track for delivery in March 2022.
- The Training and Workforce Development package is progressing:
o Several grants are under consideration for providers of PV/battery training and the Apprenticeships for women initiatives.
o The Licensed Electrical Inspector pilot training program is scheduled to commence in February 2022.
o HHCU Program orientation training, mental health first aid training and supporting women in solar initiatives have all been contracted, with training activities commencing from February 2022.
Final consultation on the Solar Victoria Notice to Market 2022–23
Solar Victoria presented its Notice to Market 2022–23 for final overview by the group. Solar Victoria is not recommending any new mandatory requirements at this stage, but it will amend some existing requirements to reflect national standards.
Members were supportive of the proposed Notice to Market. They also discussed the potential risk of causing confusion for some by duplicating current standards or recommending an approach to DC isolators which may vary from other guidance.
Members advocated for stronger requirements for interoperability of inverter products. Solar Victoria will consider this feedback before finalising the Notice to Market.
WorkSafe update on cutting silica products
WorkSafe provided an update on safety requirements for handling silica products. The Occupational Health and Safety Amendment (Crystalline Silica) Regulations 2021 commenced on 15 November 2021.
Under these regulations, there is a requirement to conduct a risk assessment to determine if high-risk silica work is being undertaken. Members heard that if the safety data sheet is not available for the tile product, the work must be treated as high-risk silica work with appropriate safety controls.
Members expressed concern about the danger of silica dust exposure for their workforce and about the potential high cost of compliance with the amended regulations.
Solar Victoria will distribute the Compliance Code for Managing Exposure to Crystalline Silica: Engineered Stone once available and work with peak bodies to obtain a definitive position on whether the solar industry it is bound by these regulations and how it can comply.
Update on non-compliance management in the Solar Homes Program
Solar Victoria presented an overview of how it manages non-compliance within the Solar Homes Program. Key points included:
- Most complaints come through Solar Victoria’s first contact resolution process prior to being handled by its Risk Assurance and Standards team.
- Most complaints since August 2021 have been safety concerns. These complaints come through Solar Victoria’s complaints team, accredited retailers, installers and from regulatory partners, WorkSafe and Energy Safe Victoria.
- The actions Solar Victoria may take against a breach include a cease-and-desist notice, referral to regulators, or referral to the program integrity group which may remove them from the program.
- Solar Victoria’s non-compliance management has led to positive program changes such as the ban on door-to-door sales.
Members commended Solar Victoria on the compliance investigations and associated outcomes which were presented.
The ICRG meeting held on 24 November 2021 covered the following:
- South Australian disconnect/reconnect regulations and minimum demand management in Victoria
- CEO update
- Update on the Solar Homes Program Review
South Australian disconnect/reconnect regulations and minimum demand management in Victoria;
In 2020, new regulations were introduced in South Australia that allow household PV systems to be remotely switched off when the grid experiences minimum demand.
Emma Fagan from Tesla and Kurt Winter from AGL were invited to discuss the introduction and impact of these new regulations on retailers and consumers. Katie Brown from DELWP Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Strategy team provided an overview of minimum demand management approaches being considered in Victoria.
Key points made by presenters and the group include:
- The South Australian rollout of remote disconnect/reconnect measures, as an emergency backstop to manage minimum demand, required more extensive consultation than was implemented.
- South Australian remote disconnect/reconnect regulations create some cost risks to consumers. Other methods of demand management such as Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) offer an incremental growth option for consumers.
- DELWP is considering managing minimum demand events through a range of methods including battery technology, VPPs, demand response programs, dynamic operating envelopes and electric vehicle charging.
Members thanked Solar Victoria and Katie Brown for beginning engagement on minimum demand management early and the sophistication of DELWP’s proposed approach was welcomed.
CEO update
Solar Victoria CEO Stan Krpan gave an update on current issues in the industry and developments in Solar Victoria’s programs, including:
- COVID-19 restrictions
- Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades (HHCU) program
- skills and training initiatives
- Battery Aggregation Pilot
- communications strategy.
Members were advised that all COVID-19 restrictions on movement and site numbers for solar installations have now been removed. The HHCU program recently launched the rental providers stream in October and assessed new suppliers are on schedule for announcement in December 2021.
Solar Victoria’s 2022 skills and training package is on target to meet key milestones. Solar Victoria has collaborated with the Clean Energy Council to promote mental health first-aid training, which will be available in February 2022.
There was strong engagement with Solar Victoria’s EOI in April 2021 for the Battery Aggregation Pilot, now known as the Virtual Power Plant Pilot Program.
Solar Victoria will soon commence a ramp up of its advertising campaigns with a focus on targeting renters.
Update on the Solar Homes Program Review
Director of Policy and Sector Development Sarah Johnson updated the group on the Solar Homes Program Review. She thanked the group for their stakeholder consultation input to date and noted that Solar Victoria has contracted Point Advisory to support the program review.
Some of the key themes that emerged through engagement for the program review include:
- Lower demand across Solar Victoria’s rebate programs and in the rooftop PV sector is attributed to the current backlog of approved applications, issues with product supply and increasing product prices related to the impacts of COVID-19 restrictions.
- There may be a need to adjust the value of rebates across all streams Additional stakeholder feedback centred on future opportunities for the Solar Homes Program. These include expanding the remit of the program to provide renewable energy to renters and apartment building tenants, and supporting household efficiency and grid stability through offering other energy efficiency products to consumers.
ICRG members thanked Solar Victoria for the opportunity to participate in consultation on the Solar Homes Program Review.
The ICRG meeting held on 27 October 2021 covered the following:
- update on Solar Victoria’s programs and related industry issues
- consultation on the 2022 Notice to Market
- KPMG engagement to develop a new class of Licensed Electrical Inspectors for renewable energy systems
- Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) campaign on maintenance of solar systems
Update on Solar Victoria’s programs and related industry issues
CEO Stan Krpan gave an update on current issues in the industry and developments in the Solar Homes program, including:
- COVID-19 restrictions and Victoria’s Roadmap
- the decertification of some DC isolators under the Electrical Equipment and Safety Scheme, and changes in Federal inverter standards
- current uptake of Solar Victoria’s mandatory safety training programs
- the reappointment of ICRG members for a new term from September 2021 to April 2023
Members were updated on COVID-19 restrictions still in effect for the construction sector, and the easing of restrictions, that further changes to restrictions were expected on 29 October 2021 and that WorkSafe and Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) will be conducting additional inspections in the coming months to ensure a safe return to work.
Solar Victoria reported an issue with some DC isolators being tested by labs in China that had lost certification, which led to these ineligible for supply in Australia. As a result, Solar Victoria advised retailers and installers not to install these products and is working closely with ESV and peak bodies to keep the industry updated as the issue evolves.
Since June, Solar Victoria’s Notice to Market has included a move towards new Australian inverter standards. These standards become mandatory on 18 December. Solar Victoria will work closely with industry around communicating these changes and will update customer applications where necessary.
As of 1 July, Working Safely in the Solar Industry and Working Safely at Heights training has been mandatory to participate in Solar Victoria’s programs. Approximately 85 per cent of the 950 accredited CEC installers have completed this training. Solar Victoria is taking action against the approximately 140 installers who have not completed the training yet.
Stan also welcomed the current ICRG membership on board for another term.
Consultation on the Notice to Market 2022–23
Solar Victoria presented initial options and sought feedback on possible new mandatory and recommended requirements for the Notice to Market 2022–23, which members broadly supported.
Solar Victoria will now undertake further targeted public consultation and seek final feedback from the ICRG.
KPMG engagement to develop a new class of Licensed Electrical Inspectors for renewable energy systems
DELWP has engaged KPMG to develop an options paper exploring the risks and benefits of introducing a new class of Licensed Electrical Inspectors (LEIs). This follows a review of the energy inspection regime by ESV that identified improvements that could be made in the inspection of renewable energy systems.
Members expressed support for the proposal of a new class of LEIs for renewable energy systems.
Energy Safe Victoria campaign on maintenance of solar systems.
Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) presented on a new campaign it is developing with Solar Victoria on solar PV system maintenance. This campaign is proposed to ensure ongoing system safety for consumers, many of whom are unaware of system maintenance needs or issues.
The campaign’s key message is that servicing should take place every two years. ESV and Solar Victoria would work closely with industry to develop resources for the community, so they understand the reason for system maintenance and what to expect from the servicing of systems. Members noted that:
- the cost of regular maintenance would substantially reduce the savings expected from solar systems and this is usually not disclosed up front as part of the expected savings calculations
- remote monitoring systems can often detect when a system isn’t working properly
- there are unqualified ‘solar panel cleaners’ offering their services, and consumer education is needed, particularly because inappropriate servicing of a solar system may have warranty implications
More consultation was recommended before proposing specific maintenance protocols.
The ICRG meeting held on 29 September 2021 covered the following:
- update on Solar Victoria’s programs
- the Clean Energy Regulator’s Integrity Review of the Rooftop Solar PV Sector
- workforce skills and training initiatives
- update on Solar Victoria’s communications.
Update on Solar Victoria’s programs and related industry issues
CEO Stan Krpan gave an update on current issues in the industry and developments in the Solar Homes program, including:
- the construction shutdown and Victoria’s COVID-19 roadmap including responses to questions from the 20 September roundtable
- Solar Victoria’s battery rebate and aggregation programs
- Solar Victoria’s Working Safely in Solar training initiative
- the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades program, including government assistance for tendering an EOI for the program.
Solar Victoria reported that PV retail sales and installations have slowed. Battery sales have continued, with approximately 115 rebates left for batteries at their current value (as at 29 September 2021). Solar Victoria has also developed a panel to support the implementation of virtual power plants which should assist grid stabilisation.
Members were very supportive of the rule change enabling simultaneous purchase and installation of PV and battery, a suggestion which had come from the ICRG.
Members were thanked for their work in ensuring mandatory Working Safely in Solar training was completed. Approximately 3500 installers have completed this training. There are still approximately 400 accredited installers who have not completed this training. This is understandable for some installers who may have been enrolled prior to current COVID-19 restrictions being put in place. Solar Victoria will take a pragmatic approach following up training as TAFEs will likely be closed until November.
Solar Victoria reported a good uptake of the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades program, with changes coming in October that will allow renters to access the program.
Members and industry have previously provided feedback that companies may need support seeking to join the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades panel if they have not previously undertaken a government tender. Solar Victoria has arranged a tailored information session relevant to its EOI process and access to a general webinar providing more information on applying for government tenders.
Clean Energy Regulator’s Integrity Review of the Rooftop Solar PV Sector
Kane Thornton, CEO of the Clean Energy Council (CEC) provided an update on the implications of the recently commissioned Clean Energy Regulator’s (CER) Integrity Review of the Rooftop Solar PV Sector (2021). The CEC commended the CER for its work on this report. Some key points identified by the CEC include:
- The CER review acknowledged the good work undertaken by the CEC in its co-regulatory role within the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). However, the Clean Energy Council is somewhat limited regarding enforcement of electrical safety standards. The review proposed a stronger regulatory role for the CER. The Clean Energy Council supports these recommendations.
- Installers: Installers are to understand their obligations as they become accredited under the SRES. In relation to this, the CER is seeking to formalise its relationship with relevant accrediting bodies. The CER will look to play a more active role in setting standards and guidelines for solar installers.
- Retailing: The review proposes that solar retailers play a role in confirming they meet their obligations under the SRES, with a potential blacklist of retailers that are non-compliant. The Clean Energy Council believes there is greater scope to ensure integrity from retailers.
- Products: The review proposes that product suppliers provide greater assurances that products meet necessary standards and requirements. It is expected that greater rigor will be introduced to the testing regime for solar products going forward.
Kane commended the review for proposing a stronger regulatory role for the CER in the rooftop PV sector. However, the review does not cover all integrity issues noted by the CEC, such as phoenix companies, consumer protections and standardisation of inspection regimes.
Workforce skills and training initiatives
Executive Director, Policy, Program and Industry Development Jonathan Leake and Manager, Sector Development Luke Pickles updated the ICRG on Solar Victoria’s proposed skills and training initiatives through to June 2022 in six key areas:
- Apprenticeships (prioritising uptake by women).
- Expanded safety training and support.
- Industry orientation training for participants in the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades program.
- Licensed Electrical Inspector training (prioritising uptake by women).
- Subsidised training for electricians to become solar PV and battery installers.
- Women in solar.
Members were supportive of the initiatives put forward, particularly for the effort Solar Victoria was making to increase female representation in the sector.
Update on Solar Victoria’s communications
Director, Communications Marianne Doyle updated the group on Solar Victoria’s current work in communications:
Solar Stories
Solar Stories present people-centric stories to the consumer, expressing the benefits of solar at an individual, business and community level. The communications team is progressing regional filming sessions for its Solar Stories program, with the next session focused on the Gippsland region.
Customer Welcome Pack
From October, all customers will receive a digital customer welcome pack. The pack is comprised of four touchpoints over 12 months following the installation of a solar system. The content is hosted on the Solar Hub. It will provide customers information on:
- optimising system use and system maintenance
- transitioning to an all-electric home
- understanding system data and analytics
- taking the next steps: battery installation, virtual power plants and zero emissions vehicles.
Retailer resources
Solar Victoria is interested in members’ feedback on their retailer resources. Members commended Solar Victoria for its communications strategy and resources.
Members’ suggestions included the development of a resource on solar installation with heritage overlays and a resource which demonstrated compliant solar installation for the consumer.
The ICRG meeting held on 25 August 2021 covered the following:
- Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades and Solar for Business programs updates
- Solar Victoria consumer protection project plan
- Solar Homes program review.
Update on Solar Victoria’s programs and related industry issues
CEO Stan Krpan gave an update on current issues in the industry and our programs. This included:
- the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades and Solar for Business programs
- coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions for the solar industry
- the recently released AEMC rules on Access, Pricing and Incentives for DER
- Solar Victoria’s training agenda
- product stewardship opportunities.
Solar Victoria has received positive feedback on the ease of the application process and portal operation for the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades (HHCU) program, with customers and retailers both supporting the streamlined process. Solar Victoria is also working to streamline the next Expression of Interest process for new suppliers to participate in the program. Members also heard that the Solar for Business program was tracking well, with a strong pipeline of applications from a wide range of businesses across the state.
Members acknowledged the changing coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions and were pleased with the Victorian Government’s approach, allowing (at the time of this meeting) PV systems to be installed while balancing health restrictions. Members praised Solar Victoria for its timely and clear communications to the industry each time restrictions changed, noting that it was the best in Australia.
Solar Victoria reported that over 3,100 solar workers have now completed compulsory safety training and members were updated on the progress in developing Licensed Electrical Inspector (LEI) training which is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year.
Members were also interested in progress being made on product stewardship, and the plans for Solar Victoria, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and Sustainability Victoria to work together with stakeholders to codevelop a solution to deal with products at the end-of-life.
Solar Victoria’s consumer protection project plan
Director of Risk, Assurance and Standards Paul Corkill and Manager of Program Integrity Maddison Fairthorne presented on the project plan. They informed members on the process to receive feedback to develop approaches in the following areas:
- Unsolicited sales activities.
- Requiring a uniform or proforma template for retailers’ quotes.
- Provisions for independent external dispute resolution.
- Protecting consumers against retailers that cease operations during the five-year warranty period.
Members acknowledged their support of the door-to-door sales ban commencing 1 September and suggested telemarketing and lead generation should be the next consumer protection focus.
Members look forward to further consultation and contribution in this area.
Solar Homes Program Review
Executive Director of Policy, Programs and Industry Jonathan Leake and Director of Policy and Sector Development Sarah Johnson introduced the Solar Homes Program Review.
Members were informed of plans to seek feedback on three key themes. These will focus on:
- future policy options
- policy commitments and targets
- business operations and planning efficiencies in managing the program.
Members provided broad-ranging feedback and discussion that covered:
- offering solar rebates for new builds
- rebate values, pro-rata rebate rates for batteries, and the pros and cons of lowering the PV rebate value.
- PV and solar hot water for apartments
- ‘bundling’ of rebates, allowing households to access more than one rebate type
- looking at the flow-on energy savings benefits to people on low incomes and renters
- articulating the policy objectives of the program.
Members look forward to further consultation on the review.
The ICRG meeting held on 28 July 2021 covered the following:
- update on COVID-19 restrictions
- vulnerable customers
- Home Heating and Cooling Program update
- overview of the Solar Homes Program.
Update on COVID-19 restrictions
Solar Victoria CEO Stan Krpan provided the group with an update on the implications of the recent COVID-19 restrictions, including that solar installations are permitted under the easing (this was prior to the current lockdown). Members heard that:
- June was a record month for Solar Victoria with over 16,000 applications, which is three times the number of applications in April 2021.
- Given the high volume of applications, the turnaround period for approval is approximately 10 days, but Solar Victoria expects this to return within the five-day target period shortly.
- Extensions are being granted to all customers whose applications are due to expire due to COVID-19 restrictions and the related pipeline of installations.
Vulnerable customers
Kate Barnes, Acting Executive Director, Customer Experience highlighted Solar Victoria’s commitment to assisting vulnerable customers and its relevant strategies. This included research undertaken in partnership with the Australian Energy Foundation, which focused on cohorts:
- with language diversity
- from rural and isolated locations
- with limited internet access, or who may be otherwise technologically or digitally disadvantaged.
Solar Victoria then incorporated those findings into its new programs and training for new employees.
Members were supportive of the various initiatives outlined to support vulnerable customers. These included, amongst other things: paper-based applications, payment extensions, pausing loan repayments and upcoming renter applications for the Solar Homes Program and Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program.
Members also expressed interest in consumer protection and Customer Experience dispute resolution mechanisms as future ICRG agenda items.
Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program update
Jonathan Leake, Executive Director, Programs, Policy and Industry Development, provided a summary of the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades (HHCU) Program to date:
- approximately 50 small, medium and large businesses have been chosen to participate in the initial phase of the approved supplier panel, covering every Local Government Area in Victoria
- based on the number of installation teams across the 50 suppliers and geographic coverage, up to 40 installations per day are possible in even the most remote regional areas, and over 300 per day in metropolitan Melbourne.
Solar Victoria highlighted that the purpose of this program is to support low-income households as well as stimulate the economy following COVID-19 restrictions, and that it will monitor uptake and performance to ensure it meets the objectives of the program.
Overview of the Solar Homes Program
- Members were presented with recent figures on applications and installations from the Solar Homes Program.
- Solar Victoria will consider a forward agenda item relating to the process for next year’s Notice to Market.
- The group heard the results of Solar Victoria’s most recent Voice of the Customer survey on post-installation satisfaction. Results indicated that 85 per cent of Solar Homes customers surveyed are either very satisfied or satisfied with the quality and product of their installations.
- It was noted that it is important to have ongoing surveys that seek feedback from customers over an extended period and track any change in response to positive or negative Solar Victoria feedback. Solar Victoria reported that it was working on measuring customer behaviour and feedback several months following an installation.
Also see our program reporting page for program insights.
The ICRG meeting held on 30 June 2021 covered the following:
- update on Solar Victoria’s programs and related industry issues
- Time Of Use tariffs
- Solar for Business Program update
- members’ insights and feedback.
Update on Solar Victoria’s programs and related industry issues
Solar Victoria Chief Executive Officer Stan Krpan and A/Executive Director of Policy, Programs and Industry Jonathan Leake provided the group with an update on current issues in the industry and programs including:
- the recently released Notice to Market
- the gas rule change under the solar hot water rebate stream
- Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program (HHCU)
- Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC)’s Draft ruling on Access, pricing and incentive arrangements for distributed energy resources
- Victorian Auditor-General’s Office report, Delivering the Solar Homes Program
Solar Victoria's Notice to Market was released prior to 1 July 2021 and Solar Victoria will look at ways to make its release more timely in the future.
Solar Victoria has introduced changes to the solar hot water rebate stream, including removing the current requirement for applicants to install a gas-boosted solar hot water system where they are connected to reticulated gas (unless they have an existing PV system greater than 2.5kW). The group welcomed these changes and felt that it would increase the appeal of the solar hot water rebate stream and improve consumer choice.
The HHCU Program is set for launch in July, along with an Approved Supplier Panel, established through an Expression of Interest process. Solar Victoria advised that it had consulted Small Business Victoria and Industry Capability Network in designing the panel procurement but will consider the processes and investigate the availability of training in Victorian Government tendering. Solar Victoria advised members that they can apply to join the panel after the initial launch of the program, as the panel includes a rolling procurement.
The group welcomed the Victorian Government’s response to the draft AEMC ruling and Solar Victoria agreed to keep members informed of any significant changes moving forward.
Solar Victoria gave an overview of the recent Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) report, Delivering the Solar Homes Program. It also provided an overview of some of the key recommendations the organisation will implement, including the development of a business case to better inform government about the efficacy of the Solar Homes Program.
Time of Use tariffs
Jo Pafumi, representing Energy Networks Australia, presented to the group on a new Time of Use tariff initiative that may save customers 7 per cent from their annual electricity bills and manage energy demand.
The change encourages load shifting into the morning and midday for households, and between 9pm and 9am for businesses. This will help the grid to absorb excess solar being exported during the day and create a shift in the pricing structure for default customers or those who choose to opt-in to the setting.
The tariff pricing will be passed onto the consumer through the retailers who will incorporate the prices into their customer plans.
Solar for Business Program update
Solar Victoria Director of Program Development and Implementation, Lashae Roulston, highlighted some of the key achievements in the Solar for Business Program. Across a broad range of industries, 490 applications have been submitted, 361 have been approved and 94 installs have been completed.
Solar Victoria invited feedback on whether rental provider-led applications and loan for small businesses would be useful. Members welcomed the suggestions and confirmed that this would lead to an increase in commercial customers interested in getting solar panels.
Overview of the Licensed Electrical Inspector training and improvements
Neil Fraser from Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) provided members with an overview of the Licensed Electrical Inspectors (LEI) review.
Solar Victoria and ESV are working together on a LEI Training initiative that aims to upskill existing LEIs to qualify for solar inspections. The training addresses the skill differences between regular inspections and solar inspections, including examining DC currents, polarity, earthing panels and Working Safely at Heights.
Solar Victoria and the group predict that a range of initiatives, including the new training and mentoring initiatives, will help to decease the wait time for the inspections of solar installations.
Members' insights and feedback – Standing agenda item
The members’ insights, feedback and discussion covered a range of topics, including:
- The ban on door-to-door sales was welcome but there are other areas of practice that the Government might consider regulating.
- Solar businesses would value training on applying for Government tenders.
- Solar panel cleaning is an emerging and related industry that includes a risk of people climbing on, and potentially damaging, solar panels. Solar Victoria should consider the possibility of training in this area.
- The Clean Energy Council is investigating potential supply chain issues regarding solar panels sourced from Xinjiang Provence in China, in collaboration with an international working group.
- It was suggested that Solar Victoria give an overview at future meeting on its processes for vulnerable customers.
- The group suggested that safety in solar could be a focus by Solar Victoria and Clean Energy Council at All-Energy Australia 2021 in October.
- Solar Victoria should consider promoting new initiatives in recycling of solar components in Victoria.
- Working Safely in Solar training was attended by one member who praised it for being relevant, informative and appropriate for the industry.
The ICRG meeting held on 28 May 2021 covered the following:
- battery aggregation pilot
- the (now published) Solar Victoria Notice to Market
- the (now published) Technology Guidelines
- Working Safely in the Solar Industry mandatory training
- Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program
The Solar Victoria Notice to Market is an important document that confirms the value and volume of Solar Homes rebates each financial year. Members expressed concern about the delay in the publishing of the Notice to Market. Ideally it would in future be released some months prior to end of financial year.
The recent publication of Solar Victoria’s Technology Guidelines was well received by the group, who were thanked for their input into the guidelines.
Solar Victoria updated the group on its activities to support solar workers to complete the mandatory safety training, currently due for completion by all participating solar on-site workers by 30 June 2021. On current completion rates (prior to the recent circuit-breaker COVID lockdown), Solar Victoria indicated that all solar on-site workers could have completed the training by the deadline.
Solar Victoria also provided an update on the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program and confirmed it is now open to community housing organisations, with the public launch scheduled for mid-July 2021.
Solar for Business Program
Lashae Roulston, Director Program Development and Implementation, updated the group on the launch of the Solar for Business Program. Prior to the launch, Solar Victoria held two industry webinars with over 200 attendees to update them on the retailer launch, program design and answer key questions.
Solar Victoria also provided an update on the planned launch at the end of May, which was well received.
New Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Subsidy
Jim Ellwood, Interim Director, ZEV Subsidy program, briefed the group on the ZEV Subsidy which members were enthusiastic about and supportive of.
The group also noted that, to create appropriate charging infrastructure, the location of ZEVs needs to be considered so that Distribution Network Service Providers (DNSPs) can plan the best locations for charging stations. Solar Victoria acknowledged the importance of this.
Victorian Energy Efficiency Program update
Sarah Stephen, Executive Director of Energy Demand and Helen Sofele, Director of Energy Efficiency, from the Energy Group at DELWP informed the members about the wide range of energy initiatives currently underway that collectively aim to reduce emissions by 7 per cent by 2024.
The members welcomed the information, with some solar retailers also working in energy efficiency.
There were questions from members about the relationship between demand response and smart technology.
The group was informed that smart technology will play a soft role in the upgrades, where people are able to get real-time information on their energy use to enable smarter decision-making. This will be complemented through building energy-management systems with smart-controls connected to home devices. In addition, new-builds may incorporate smart-service statistics in some properties to enable devices to load-shift.
There are aims to introduce program incentives that will reduce demand at times where energy is the most valuable or the local network is constrained. The group heard that a consultation paper addressing this matter will be released in July, and that major reform will occur through amendments to the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007.
Members asked about the demand management incentives, noting that many DNSPs already offer these. DELWP Energy invited members to work collaboratively on these incentives and noted that there are battery aggregation issues that may be worth collaborating on as well.
The ICRG meeting held on 28 April 2021 covered the following, which were discussed with the Minister for Solar Homes who also attended:
- the Victorian Government’s stance on electric vehicles
- the current state of the residential PV market
- Licensed Electrical Inspector (LEI) shortages and related issues
- consumer protection issues around unsolicited door-knocking and unscrupulous marketing
- the rollout of mandatory training
- gender equality and women in solar.
Update on LEI discussions and industry roundtables
Paul Corkill, Director of Risk, Assurance and Standards, informed the Group of the initiatives that Solar Victoria has been involved in to address the Licensed Electrical Inspector (LEI) shortage:
- During April, WorkSafe, Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) and Solar Victoria met to develop new LEI training materials and to discuss providing the opportunity for existing LEIs to upskill through solar-specific training.
- There will be a focus on improving communication between LEIs and customers to assist both parties in the appointment-making process.
- A proposed LEI inspection checklist has been prepared and submitted to ESV for final consideration, before eventually rolling it out on a trial basis.
Operational performance and continuous improvement
Lyn Bowring, Executive Director of Customer Experience, informed the Group about the process of introducing new and streamlined systems to improve the customer experience at Solar Victoria.
There have been approximately 50 program or process changes made since 1 July 2020, and April 2021 saw the introduction of the ‘Prove it Once’ initiative. This has enabled concession card holders to input card details rather than upload documents – over 1,600 applicants have utilised the new process, saving an average of three minutes per online application.
March 2021 recorded the highest volume of payment requests since the program began, which has increased some turnaround times and delayed some payment processing. As a result, there has been more activity in the contact centre and longer wait times for customers inquiring about the status of the payments. To address this, Solar Victoria has:
- employed more Customer Service Officers
- reduced staff turnover
- introduced specialist training
- improved the 1300 call center queue options.
The ICRG meeting held on 31 March 2021 covered the following:
Update on Licensed Electrical Inspectors (LEIs)
Paul Corkill, Director of Risk, Assurance and Standards, updated the group on the findings and next steps from two roundtables held in conjunction with Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) with LEIs and with industry representatives on 17 and 19 March respectively.
The barriers to LEIs inspecting new solar installations were discussed. A range of possible causes were identified, including information on specific inspection requirements for solar installations, dedicated training for new LEIs and working at heights risks for solar inspections. Solar Victoria and ESV will work to implement the following steps:
- promote the findings from the Solar Victoria safety and quality audit program and explore further engagement with LEIs directly
- work with ESV on finalising an LEI inspection checklist
- develop new LEI training material and implement at pilot to support new LEI entrants and up-skill LEIs to undertake solar installations through dedicated solar training
- work with LEI representatives on next steps to address barriers in the LEI regime, and identify demand for new LEIs to support solar sector in future years and to consider enticements to attract new entrants.
- Members appreciated the efforts of SV to take the lead to identify and implement practical actions to address the immediate and long-term LEI inspection shortages.
Voice of the Customer
Grant Johnston, Director of CX Strategy and Insights, presented insights to the ICRG collected through Solar Victoria’s customer survey ‘Voice of the Customer’ framework.
Insights from customers indicate:
- a high level of satisfaction amongst respondents, with an increase in satisfaction across all metrics since December 2019
- uploading documents on the Solar Victoria portal is now the primary pain point in the customer experience since other concerns have been addressed
- reducing energy costs is the primary reason households are installing solar
- reducing a home’s carbon footprint was the second reason and taking control of their energy bills was the third reason for installing solar
- 70 per cent would not have installed solar unless there was a rebate
- 31 per cent would not have taken up rebate unless a loan option was available.
Members were pleased with the initiative and keen to see customer insights on customers experience with solar retailers.
Advertising showcase
Marianne Doyle, Director of Communications, informed the Group that a new advertising campaign will be rolled out over the coming months via the Solar Victoria website, social media platforms and radio.
Concerns of unscrupulous sales tactics using these materials will be monitored through the Solar Victoria Risk Assurance and Safety Framework.
February’s ICRG meeting touched on several pressing issues that are currently impacting the broader solar industry and customers.
Licensed Electrical Inspectors
Members raised concerns about the delays in system inspections by Licensed Electrical Inspectors, noting that some installations from as far back as November still had not been inspected. Members were particularly concerned about the potential for retailer cash flow issues and reputational damage due to delays.
Paul Corkill, Director of Risk, Assurance and Standards, reported to the Group that the average time from installation completion to payment to the retailer is currently 22 days which suggests that the much-delayed inspections may be outliers.
Members have agreed to focus in on this issue in the next meeting given the delays they are experiencing.
System export curtailment
Members raised concern about an increase in solar export curtailment and zero exports for some PV customers in some regions. Members heard from Energy Networks Australia about CitiPower/Powercor activities to mitigate this problem in their network.
Solar Victoria and DELWP have been working closely with CitiPower/Powercor to review their online export tool and to move forward the rollout of their hotspot program.
Powercor have recently announced the early rollout of their hotspot program in Western Victoria between March and June 2021. They will be targeting areas of high rooftop solar penetration, with dedicated field crews working on up to 30 locations a week to increase power network capacity in Ballarat, Bendigo and Portland as well as the precinct between Sunshine and Point Cook in Melbourne’s western suburbs.
In the CitiPower network, work will be conducted over the next six months across Melbourne’s inner suburbs, including Northcote, Brunswick, Fitzroy, Kew and Camberwell.
Citpower/Powercor have also committed to a review of customers whose export request is declined through the online application process. Customers who are declined should contact Citpower/Powercor directly to request a review of their application.
Notice to Market
Jonathan Leake, Executive Director of Policy, Programs and Industry, and Luke Pickles, Manager of Sector Development, shared the upcoming changes to the Solar Victoria Notice to Market.
Further information on the Notice to Market will be released shortly.
Solar for Business Program
Lashae Roulston, Director of Program Development and Implementation, provided an update to the Group on the progress of the Solar for Business Program.
The program eligibility criteria has since been launched and further information can be found at Solar for Business.