Hot water audit checklist and guidance

Installers can use our audit checklist and guidance to advance their understanding of compliance standards.

Five per cent of all Solar Homes Program installations are audited every year as part of our commitment to safety and quality, and to ensure installations comply with the latest standards (see Audits).

Download the hot water audit checklist

Independent auditors use this checklist when they conduct audit inspections of solar hot water and hot water heat pump installations under our program:

Download the Solar Homes hot water audit checklist
Word 385.27 KB
(opens in a new window)

They look at the safety and quality of hot water installations and determine where opportunities for improvement need to be followed up with the authorised retailer.

Hot water installation guidance sheets

These technical guidance sheets are part of a series we commissioned TechSafe Australia to develop, following our analysis of audits. The Victorian Building Authority has also reviewed this guidance.

They include installation advice and examples of compliant and non-compliant installations relating to the safe drainage of temperature pressure relief valves in reference to these standards, codes and regulations:

4.1 Safe drainage of temperature pressure relief valves – Potential hazards or unsafe installations

Use this guidance for help identifying potential hazards or unsafe installations relating to temperature pressure relief valve drainage.

Download Hot water installation safety – Guidance sheet 4.1
PDF 528.84 KB
(opens in a new window)

4.2 Safe drainage of temperature pressure relief valves – Methods of compliance

Use this guidance for methods of compliance relating to temperature pressure relief valve drainage.

Download Hot water installation safety – Guidance sheet 4.2
PDF 1.03 MB
(opens in a new window)

Also see the Victorian Building Authority website for heat pump technical installation guidance on:

  • protecting water from freezing
  • support of water heaters or water storage tanks installed other than in a roof space or above a roof
  • requirements for the installation of temperature control devices, and pipework heat retention associated with storage heated water systems
  • piping associated with storage water heaters.

More information

For other guidance and information installers can use to maintain safety and put industry leading standards into practice, see Solar industry guidance.


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