Efficient home design and construction training

Advancing sustainable homes through low-emission building training.

Training to support the residential construction industry in the design and construction of energy efficient homes avaliable in 2025.

Energy efficient homes are more comfortable to live in, cost less to heat and cool, and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Efficient Home Design and Construction Training will support the residential construction industry to design and construct more energy efficient homes.

It will directly support the residential construction industry to:

  • increase the skills and knowledge of the construction industry to transition to the design and construction of energy efficient homes
  • boost industry capacity to design and construct energy efficient homes
  • raise industry awareness of sustainable building trends, including the transition towards net zero homes and home electrification.

Register your interest

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About our commitment

Solar Victoria is investing $1 million to deliver targeted training to support residential construction industry trades and professions to design and construct energy efficient 7-star rated and all-electric homes.

The Renewable Homes Construction Training program for the residential construction industry aims to help reduce carbon emissions and household energy costs while creating healthier and more comfortable living spaces for Victorians.

More information

For more information about this training, please email industrytraining@team.solar.vc.gov.au.

For information about other home efficiency training, see Renewable Homes Construction Training.


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