Helping vulnerable Victorians stay warm this winter

Vulnerable Victorians will be protected from weather extremes, under a new program replacing inefficient old heaters in homes managed by community housing organisations.

Friday 11 February 2022 at 2:09 am

Minister for Solar Homes Lily D’Ambrosio today announced a $12.6 million expansion of the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades program, that will see 8,400 community housing properties receive new energy efficient reverse cycle air-conditioners.

Registered community housing organisations can apply for a grant of up to $1500 to upgrade their tenants existing heating with the reverse cycle air-conditioners.

The upgrades will help community housing tenants save up to $300 each year on heating costs while keeping them warmer in winter and cooler in summer.

In addition, upgrading the properties with energy efficient reverse cycle air-conditioners will help Victoria’s transition to a clean energy economy by lowering carbon emissions.

Supporting energy upgrades in community housing is the latest step in the Victorian Government’s $335 million Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades program, helping 250,000 low-income Victorian households transition to more efficient heating. This includes upgrades for 35,000 public, community and Aboriginal housing properties.

The program is part of the Government's $797 million Household Energy Savings Package that is helping Victorians cover the cost of their power bills and make homes more energy efficient.

For more information about the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades program and to apply for the wide range of grants available visit:
