1 July 2024

Minister’s Foreword

Continuously improving safety and quality standards, ensuring products and systems are fit-for-purpose and future-ready, and protecting retailers, installers and customers in the Solar Homes Program.


Through the landmark Solar Homes Program, the Victorian Government is continuing to lead the clean energy transition towards our renewable energy target of 95 per cent by 2035. With more than 5 years since the program was established in 2018, over 330,000 Victorian households are now benefitting from solar, energy efficient hot water systems and solar batteries.

Since the program commenced in August 2018, we have set high standards and always innovated to bring more renewable energy to more Victorians. In February 2024, the Commonwealth and Victorian governments jointly launched the $16.1 million Solar for Apartments Program to support Victorians who own or live in apartments to benefit from lower energy bills through self-generated solar electricity. Together with the Residential Electrification Grants Program launched in September 2023, which will support innovative projects electrifying new or existing homes, these innovative new incentives are set to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Solar Victoria Notice to Market plays an important role in supporting the stronger, highly skilled and quality-committed industry needed to take on the current and future energy requirements of all Victorians. Growing the clean energy industry and a highly skilled and professional workforce are essential to meeting ambitious renewable energy targets and for delivering small and large-scale renewable energy projects.

A shared commitment to the highest standards of safety and quality is at the heart of the Solar Homes Program and those who support its delivery, most especially its authorised retailers and installers.

The partnership between government and industry, particularly the solar electrical and plumbing industries, continues to underpin the Solar Homes Program delivery, enabling smoother grid integration and flexible exports for more solar customers, and lifting industry standards. Offering subsidised targeted training and a collaborative compliance approach with regulators are key to continuous improvement.

The Notice to Market commits everyone involved in the delivery of the Solar Homes Program to improving safety and quality standards and protecting workers and customers. New requirements and recommendations in this Notice to Market seek to support stability of the energy grid through internet connected solar PV and batteries, improve the longevity of installations while supporting Victoria’s circular economy, and maintain focus on the safety, quality and efficiency of systems installed under the Solar Homes Program.

Meeting the requirements set out in the Notice to Market will help deliver the best outcomes for Solar Homes customers, and we thank the many industry participants Solar Victoria has engaged to design and refine the program requirements and recommendations within.

Hon Lily D’Ambrosio MP

Minister for Climate Action
Minister for Energy and Resources
Minister for the State Electricity Commission

Section 1: Overview

This section explains the purpose of the Notice to Market, highlights new requirements and recommendations this edition, and provides an overview of Solar Victoria’s incentives.

1.1 About the Notice to Market

This Notice to Market provides retailers and installers with a clear overview of business and workforce requirements, and system and product requirements that must be met to participate in the Solar Homes Program from 1 July 2024.

Participation in the Solar Homes Program is governed by the requirements set out in this Notice to Market, as well as Solar Victoria's terms and conditions such as those for retailers and for installers.

Retailers, installers and other workers must comply with the requirements in this notice for incentives to apply to solar PV, solar battery and energy efficient hot water systems

1.2 New and updated requirements and recommendations in this edition

There are nine new mandatory requirements and four new recommendations in this edition of the Notice to Market.

New requirements seek to support stability of the energy grid, maintain our focus on consumer protections, support Victoria’s circular economy, and uplift the safety and quality of products and systems installed under the Solar Homes Program.

New mandatory requirements

The new mandatory requirements effective from 1 July 2024 relate to:

New requirementSection
Active internet connection for solar PV and batteries3.2.1
Heat pump hot water systems restricted to products containing low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants5.2.1
Retailer obligations to ensure battery installers are provided with an AS/NZS 5139 compliant labelling kit4.1.1
Hot water heat pump installers holding a current Refrigerant Handling Licence issued by the Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC) if installing with synthetic refrigerant circulating through the pipework5.1.3
Retailer obligations to remove solar PV panels and/or system components from residence3.1.1
No telemarketing or door-to-door sales of systems eligible under the Solar Homes Program3.1.1
Consumer protections and whole-of-product warranty for solar sharing technology3.2.1
Interface protection for inverter power sharing devices greater than 30 KiloVolt Amps3.2.1
Providing a financial performance estimate to solar PV and battery system owners3.1.1

Updated mandatory requirements

The updates we have made to existing mandatory requirements relate to:

Updated requirementSection
Hot water heat pumps must have an end-user configurable integrated timer located on the outside of the unit or be connected to a solar PV system and runs the hot water during periods of solar generation5.2.1
Installation of hot water heat pumps in accordance also with AS/NZS 5149 and having regard to the manufacturer’s specifications5.1.3
Retailer obligations to ensure hot water installers conducting rooftop installations have completed relevant safety training5.1.1
Smoke alarm installation in a room under the same roof as a residence must comply with AS 3786:2016 or AS 3789:2023 or, where the use of the area is likely to result in smoke alarms causing spurious signals, with AS 1670.14.2.1

We have also made minor updates to other requirements to ensure the Notice to Market remains current and relevant.

New recommendations

The new recommendations effective from 1 July 2024 relate to:

New recommendationSection
Australian Refrigeration Council Green Scheme Accreditation if installing a split hot water heat pump with natural refrigerant5.1.4
The Victorian Government's ban on electronic waste to landfill and retailers keeping records and evidence of solar panel (PV) and systems disposal to a lawful place3.1.2
Electrical circuit installation requirements for hot water heat pumps5.2.2
Hot water system products providing access to hot water during a power outage5.2.2

1.3 About our incentives

For more detailed information about our incentives, including values and eligibility criteria, see Solar Homes Program.

For rebate release dates, see Rebate values and release dates.

1.3.1 Solar PV rebate

We provide rebates and interest-free loans to eligible homeowners with existing homes, homes under construction, rental properties, and community housing providers towards the cost of installing an eligible solar panel (PV) system, up to a maximum amount listed on our website.

We also provide grants to eligible apartment households toward the installation of PV systems.

See Solar panel (PV) rebate
See Solar for community housing
See Solar for Apartments Program

1.3.2 Solar battery loan

We provide interest-free loans to homeowners towards the cost of installing an eligible solar battery storage system, up to a maximum amount listed on our website.

See Solar battery loan.

1.3.3. Hot water rebate

We provide rebates to homeowners with existing homes towards the cost of installing an eligible hot water system, up to a maximum amount listed on our website.

Solar Victoria also has a process for emergency hot water installations, so Victorians don’t have to wait if their system has broken down.

See Hot water rebate.

1.4 Acknowledgements

Solar Victoria consulted with key stakeholders to develop this Notice to Market 2024–25 and considered feedback in designing the recommendations and mandatory requirements.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the development of this notice to Market. Representatives from the following agencies contributed to the Notice to Market 2024–25:

  • Energy Safe Victoria
  • Clean Energy Regulator
  • Clean Energy Council
  • Smart Energy Council
  • National Electrical and Communications Association
  • WorkSafe Victoria
  • Consumer Action Law Centre
  • Victorian Building Authority
  • Master Plumbers Victoria
  • Energy Networks Australia
  • Australian Refrigeration Council
  • AiGroup - Australian Water Heater Forum
  • Electrical Trades Union.

Solar Victoria also conducted targeted engagement with the Solar Victoria Industry and Consumer Reference Group and with selected manufacturers, retailers and installers participating in the Solar Homes Program.

1 Note: the telemarketing prohibition came into effect under the Solar Homes Program on 1 May 2024 and door-to-door sales prohibition commenced on 1 September 2021 via the Retailer Terms and Conditions (see Instruction issued 30 April 2024).

Section 2: Definitions

This section explains some of the words frequently used within the Notice to Market.

solar panels on the roof

Accreditation Scheme Operator (ASO)

Organisation appointed by the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) as the installer and designer accreditation scheme operator (ASO) under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).


Customers/consumers are applicants for rebates under the Solar Homes Program and/or persons who obtain a rebate or loan under this program.


An installer of eligible systems, being eligible solar photovoltaic systems and ancillary equipment and/or solar battery systems and ancillary equipment and/or energy efficient hot water system within the Solar Homes Program.

Interface protection system

An interface protection system controls voltage and frequency limits in parallel connections between an inverter energy system and the normal grid supply. It is also referred to as ‘central protection’ or ‘grid protection’.


Mandatory requirements must be satisfied for a participant to enter into the Solar Homes Program. Where a participant no longer meets mandatory requirements, Solar Victoria may suspend or cancel participation in the Solar Homes Program at its discretion. Participants must continue to meet the mandatory requirements at all times during their participation in the Solar Homes Program.

Other on-site workers

Other on-site personnel who are involved in the installation of eligible solar panel (PV), solar battery and/or energy efficient hot water systems within the Solar Homes Program, including but not limited to trades assistants, apprentices, etc.


Recommendations are optional and do not affect eligibility at the time of publication of this notice. They help to ensure the Solar Homes Program delivers the best outcomes for Victorians.

Recommendations signal to industry criteria that are likely to become mandatory in the future. Industry participants should consider early adoption of recommendations and plan accordingly.


A retailer of eligible solar photovoltaic systems and ancillary equipment and/or solar battery systems and ancillary equipment and/or solar hot water and heat pump systems which meet the programs’ mandatory eligibility criteria, and who is registered to participate in the Solar Homes Program as a retailer.


Any reference to an Australian or international standard (AS, AS/NZS, IEC, IEEE, etc.) refers to the specified standard as last amended, unless the year of the standard is otherwise referenced.

Solar sharing technology

Technology that allows multiple discrete NMI meters to share the output of a single inverter to provide a supplementary PV solar supply to occupants of a multi-tenanted building.

Section 3: Requirements for all solar PV rebates

This section lists requirements that retailers and installers, systems and products must satisfy across all solar PV rebate streams. It also includes recommendations.

solar panels on the roof

3.1 Solar PV retail business and workforce requirements

The following retail business and workforce requirements apply to all solar PV rebate incentives for owner-occupiers, renters, community housing and businesses. They aim to enhance safety and quality by maintaining rigorous standards and developing a level playing field within the industry.

For more information about training requirements in this section, including how to enrol, see Training and workforce development.

3.1.1 All solar PV retailers: mandatory retail business requirements

3.1.2 All solar PV retailers – recommendations for retail business

3.1.3 All solar PV installers – mandatory workforce requirements

3.1.4 All solar PV installers – recommendations for workforce

3.1.5 Other on-site solar PV workers – mandatory workforce requirements

3.1.6 All other on-site solar workers – recommendations for workforce

3.2 Solar PV system and product requirements

The following system and product requirements apply to all solar PV rebate incentives for owner-occupiers, renters, community housing and small businesses. They aim to enhance safety and quality by maintaining rigorous standards and ensuring products are future-fit.

3.2.1 Solar PV inverters – mandatory requirements

3.2.2 Solar PV inverters – recommendations

3.2.3 Solar PV modules – mandatory requirements

3.2.4 Solar PV modules – recommendations

Section 4: Requirements for solar battery loans

This section lists requirements that retailers and installers, systems and products must satisfy under the solar battery loan incentive. It also includes recommendations.

two battery installers are wearing yellow blue tops and installing battery to a house

4.1 Solar battery retail business and workforce requirements

The following retail business and workforce requirements apply to solar battery loans. They aim to enhance safety and quality by maintaining rigorous standards and developing a level playing field within the industry.

For more information about training requirements in this section, including how to enrol, see Training and workforce development.

4.1.1 All solar battery retailers – mandatory retail business requirements

4.1.2 All solar battery retailers – recommendations for retail business

4.1.3 All solar battery installers – mandatory workforce requirements

4.1.4 All solar battery installers – recommendations for workforce

4.1.5 All other on-site solar battery workers – mandatory workforce requirements

4.1.6 All other on-site solar battery workers – recommendations for workforce

4.2 Solar battery system and product requirements

The following system and product requirements apply to all solar battery loans. They aim to enhance safety and quality by maintaining rigorous standards and ensuring products are future-fit.

4.2.1 Overall energy storage system – mandatory requirements

4.2.2 Overall energy storage system – recommendations

4.2.3 Component: Energy storage device (battery energy storage systems or battery systems) – mandatory requirements

4.2.4 Component: Energy storage device (energy storage systems or battery systems) – recommendations

4.2.5 Component: Battery inverter (hybrid inverter or integrated power conversion equipment in a battery energy storage system) – mandatory requirements

4.2.6 Component: Battery inverter (hybrid inverter or integrated power conversion equipment in a battery energy storage system) – recommendations

Section 5: Requirements for hot water rebates

This section lists requirements that retailers and installers, systems and products must satisfy under the hot water rebate. It also includes recommendations.

solar hot water appliance near the home wall

5.1 Hot water retail business and workforce requirements

The following retail business and workforce requirements for hot water rebates aim to enhance safety and quality by maintaining rigorous standards and developing a level playing field within the industry.

For more information about training requirements in this section, including how to enrol, see Training and workforce development.

5.1.1 Hot water retailers – mandatory retail business requirements

5.1.2 Hot water retailers – recommendations for retail business

5.1.3 Hot water installers (tradespersons) – mandatory workforce requirements

5.1.4 Hot water installers (tradespersons) – recommendations for workforce

5.1.5 All other on-site solar hot water workers – mandatory workforce requirements

5.1.6 All other on-site solar hot water workers – recommendations for workforce

5.2 Hot water system and product requirements

The following system and product requirements for solar hot water and heat pump systems aim to enhance safety and quality by maintaining rigorous standards and ensuring products are future-fit.

5.2.1 Hot water systems – mandatory requirements

5.2.2 Hot water systems – recommendations