We require proof of income documentation for each person named as an owner on your local Council Rates Notice or copy of your Certificate of Title.
If there is more than one owner of the property listed, we require proof of income for all listed owners, from the same financial year.
What evidence can I provide to confirm my income?
Please provide one of the following document types.
Please note: If you didn’t receive a taxable income, we still need you to complete a signed Statutory Declaration that states your income amount (e.g. $0) for the financial year.
1. Australian Tax Office Notice of Assessment
Australian Tax Office Notice of Assessment (NOA) confirming annual taxable income

2. Centrelink Payment Summary
Centrelink Payment Summary showing dates, reference number and confirming pension income for the financial year.

3. Statutory Declaration

If you are a self-funded retiree (i.e. don’t receive any payments from Centrelink) please complete a signed Statutory Declaration and include your total income including any Superannuation for the financial year.
4. Centrelink Concession Cards
Any one of the following Centrelink Concession Cards:
Health Care Card* or Low Income Health Care Card

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card

*Foster Child Health Care Card and Ex-Carer Allowance (Child) Health Care Card are not eligible.