Benefits of claiming both rebates
Installing both solar panels on your roof and an energy efficient water heating system can cut your power bills by more than $1,400 every year!
Upfront savings

Under the Solar Homes Program, you can save up to $2,400 on the upfront cost of installing a rooftop solar panel system and an energy efficient hot water system. If you are eligible, you could claim both a solar panel (PV) rebate valued at up to $1,400 and a hot water rebate valued at up to $1,000. You can also apply for an interest-free loan up to $1,400, with a solar panel (PV) rebate which means you could reduce the upfront cost of both installations by a total of $3,800.
Reduce your bills
By installing solar panels on your roof and upgrading to a more energy efficient hot water system, you could save more than $1,400 on your energy costs every year.
A solar panel (PV) system can reduce a typical household’s energy bills by more than $1,000 per year. Households who replace a gas hot water system with a quality heat pump hot water system can save around $250 a year.
Heating water accounts for around 21 per cent of total energy use in most homes and switching to a more energy efficient heat pump or solar hot water system can considerably reduce your power bills.
I haven’t claimed a rebate yet, but I’d like to get both
If you haven’t claimed any Solar Victoria rebates yet and are planning to claim both the solar panel (PV) rebate and hot water rebate, it is recommended that you apply for the solar panel (PV) rebate first.
1. Check your eligibility
To apply for the solar panel (PV) rebate, you’ll first need to check your eligibility. If you meet the eligibility for the solar panel (PV) rebate, it’s likely that you’ll also be eligible for the hot water rebate.
2. Getting a quote
Once you’ve determined your eligibility, you’ll need to get a written quote from an authorised solar retailer.
We recommended you get at least three quotes before deciding which retailer you’d like to go with. If your preferred retailer is also a participant in our hot water rebate stream, you could also ask them to provide you both quotes at the same time to streamline the process and install both systems at once.
Your retailer will also send Solar Victoria your quote and you will then receive an email notification with your quote number.
3. Start your rebate application
Once you have received your quote number, you can begin your rebate application. At this stage you will be asked for proof of identity and proof of income so that we can confirm that you are eligible to receive the rebate.
After you apply, you will receive an email confirming your eligibility. Hold on to this as you will need to show it to your installer when your system is installed.
You can then apply for a hot water rebate as you have confirmed your eligibility.
As you have already proved your eligibility for the solar panel (PV) rebate, you’ll only need to provide two forms of ID along with a quote.
For more information visit our hot water rebate page.