Solar PV rebates target reached for 2018/19

Friday 3 May 2019 at 12:40 am

On April 12, 2019 we announced that the Solar Homes program was fully subscribed for the 2018/19 financial year.

Between now and 1 July 2019, we will prioritise and focus on existing applications in our database. When applications re-open on 1 July 2019 we will closely monitor and manage yearly targets to ensure sustainability for industry and households over the 10-year life of the program. A yearly target will be announced before the program re-opens 1 July 2019.

  • All solar PV eligibility and rebate applications lodged before applications closed will continue to be processed by Solar Victoria, in line with current requirements.
  • If you have a client with an existing eligibility application and they haven’t received an eligibility number, they need to wait until they receive an email from us confirming the eligibility number before installation.
  • If you have a client with an eligibility number from us and they haven’t had their system installed, you can continue to get a system installed and then they can continue to apply for a rebate.
  • If you have client that has already submitted a rebate application, it will continue to be processed, in line with current requirements.

If a customer is considering installing solar PV with a rebate and have not yet applied to Solar Victoria, they will now need to wait until applications open again on 1 July 2019. After this time, they must have received eligibility confirmation before installing their system to be eligible to receive a rebate.
If you have taken a deposit from a household who hasn’t yet applied but who wants to apply for a rebate after 1 July 2019, you should refund that deposit.
You and your clients are still required to provide us with the relevant documents to support their application.

Ensuring you’re a CEC Accredited Solar Retailer

If you are not currently a signatory to the Clean Energy Council’s (CEC) Solar Retailer Code of Conduct (the Code), now is a good time to apply. All solar retailers will be required to be signatories to the Code by 1 November 2019, with the most active retailers required to have signed on by 1 July 2019.

The CEC can take up to eight weeks to process applications to the Code, so Solar Victoria encourages retailers to apply well ahead of their relevant deadline to be assured of achieving approved status.

You can find out more about the Solar Retailer Code of Conduct application process on the CEC's website.

From 1 July 2019

When applications re-open on 1 July 2019, Solar Victoria will be implementing a point-of-sale rebate scheme. This means that applicants must apply for and receive eligibility confirmation before signing a contract with a solar retailer. Once installation is confirmed, the rebate and/or loan will be paid to the solar retailer and deducted from the system price. If a householder installs a solar PV system without receiving eligibility confirmation, they will be unable to claim a rebate.

Once applications for solar PV rebates re-open, Solar Victoria will also offer a no-interest loan component to complement the solar PV rebate. Rebates for solar batteries and solar for renters will also commence on 1 July 2019 and details of these new components will be released shortly.

The introduction of no-interest loans is one of the benefits of applying to the program after 1 July 2019.

What is happening to your client’s application?

We have written to all people with an active application in our database to assure them that their application will be processed as usual. Processing times for applications vary, and delays in processing are usually the result of incomplete documents or missing evidence.

We will contact these clients if we require more information to process their application.

Need more information?

More information about the Solar Homes program can be found on our website, including FAQs for installers.
We will also send updates via our industry newsletter. If you have any enquiries, please email
