Countdown to solar safety training: 30 June

To help keep pace safely with the solar transformation, we are reminding workers in our programs to complete the VU22744 Work safely in the solar industry training unit by 30 June 2021.

Tuesday 6 April 2021 at 9:59 am
Primary campaign image Audits and workplace safety
Primary campaign image audits and workplace safety

The Solar Homes Program – which is expected to support the creation of 5,500 jobs over its lifespan – is breaking its own records week on week.  

And according to the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics release, Victoria is the fastest growing state for employment in the renewable energy sector, with 56 per cent of these jobs in the solar industry.  

Solar Victoria’s Director of Policy and Sector Development, Sarah Johnson, said: “more than 1,350 solar workers in the program have completed the mandatory training, but with demand ramping up we expect more new workers will be introduced into the solar industry for the first time. 

“In a rapidly growing industry like solar, it’s just so important for safety that all workers have a consistent level of knowledge and skills to do their job safely and to a high standard,” Johnson said.  

Johnson says this is why it’s a mandatory requirement, from new apprentices and trade assistants to more experienced electricians and plumbers, to complete the safety training unit by the 30 June deadline.  

“It’s just one way we’re driving accountability across the supply chain to achieve rigorous safety and quality standards.” 

On-site solar workers who don’t complete this unit by 30 June 2021 risk not being able to participate in Solar Victoria’s programs from 1 July 2021.  

This safety training requirement isn’t new. It’s set out in the Notice to Market, which provides the solar industry in Victoria with a clear overview of the rules and expectations for participation in the Solar Homes Program.   

The same requirement will apply to all workers on Solar for Business installation sites.  

Safety a shared responsibility  

“It’s not only installers who need to address safety issues through training. Safety is a shared responsibility – retailers are as responsible as installers.  

“For retailers, safety means continuing to prioritise mandatory safety training for your workers, not just ensuring the installers they engage are of good standing and have the right knowledge and equipment. 

“We expect retailers to provide all necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure installers work safely and without risks to health,” said Johnson. 

More information 

For information about how to enrol and for details about all training units, see Training
