Four big benefits of hiring an apprentice through a Group Training Organisation

Hiring an apprentice through a Group Training Organisation has many advantages for both the apprentice and the host employer. Here we look at four benefits to the host employer.

What is a Group Training Organisation?

Group Training Organisations, or GTOs, employ apprentices and place them with suitable host employers in relevant trades, enabling them to build their skills and industry knowledge.

Solar Victoria's Apprenticeships for Women program is delivered by two GTOs: AGA (Apprenticeships Group Australia) and Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre. Under the program host employers will save 50 per cent on hire costs for the first two years of an apprenticeship.

Some businesses prefer to hire their apprentices directly, however hiring through AGA or Ai Group has many advantages for both the apprentice and the host employer.

Here we look at four benefits that hiring an apprentice through a GTO can bring to host employers, saving your business considerable time and resources.

Benefit one – Flexibility

Working with a GTO gives you the flexibility to hire an apprentice for the duration you need. As a host employer, you're not locked into a full apprenticeship contract, so you have the flexibility to retain an apprentice to fit in with your business needs, long or short term.

Understandably, many host employers are keen to retain their apprentices. Under our program, you have the option of hiring the apprentice after the second year of their apprenticeship.

And if your business needs change, the GTO can find a new host employer for an apprentice.

Benefit two – GTOs recruit, manage and support apprentices

GTOs take care of recruiting and employing apprentices to ensure you find the right person for your business. Their rigorous recruitment process pre-screens and interviews candidates to match the needs of your business – you don't need to take time away from your business to do this yourself.

The GTOs will then work with you to tailor their support services to meet the needs of your business and your apprentices.

They will coordinate and monitor the apprentice's skills training and provide support for their wellbeing through, for example, training, in-person visits and mentoring. They will also support you through potentially stressful situations by assisting with any performance appraisals or disciplinary actions.

Benefit three – Reduced administration for host employers

When you hire through a GTO, they are responsible for the legal aspects of the employment contract and provide stress-free management and oversight. All government or statutory paperwork related to apprenticeships is completed and submitted by the GTO.

They manage payroll and billing, Solar Victoria employment subsidies and apprentice incentives. They also cover all insurances and workers compensation.

The less time you spend addressing administrative requirements, the more time you have to put back into skilling your apprentice to meet the needs of your business.

Benefit four – GTOs provide pre-employment safety training and equipment

The GTOs in Solar Victoria's Apprenticeships for Women program will ensure all apprentices have completed pre-employment safety training and will provide apprentices with the safety equipment they need.

This is important for your apprentice and all workers, as well as your customers. Safety comes first, which is why the GTO will ensure your Solar Victoria apprentice completes safety training at no cost to the host employer, including:

  • VU22744 – Work safely in the solar industry
  • CPCCWHS2001 – Construction induction (white card)
  • CPCCWHS2001A – Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry
  • CPCCM2010B – Working safely at heights
  • Level 2 first aid

Case studies

To read about the experiences of apprentices who have completed their apprenticeships through the GTOs we've engaged, see:

Speak with a GTO today

If your business is interested in taking advantage of the benefits of hiring a Solar Victoria apprentice, please contact:

GTO Name Contact
Apprenticeships Group Australia (AGA) Wayne Close
0409 172 015

AGA website
1300 000 242
Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre Stephanie O’Neill
(03) 9867 0281

Ai Group website
1300 761 944

More information

For information about this and other initiatives helping to grow Victoria's clean energy workforce, see Training and workforce development.

For general enquiries about Solar Victoria's training and workforce development package, please email or call our Customer Service team during business hours 8:00am – 6:00pm Monday – Friday (except public holidays) on 1300 376 393.

For more information about GTOs, see the Apprenticeship Employment Network website.

For more information about apprenticeships, see the Apprenticeships Victoria website.


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