Helping retailers and installers work on their business for free

We’ve engaged Aerium to help retailers and installers in our programs create positive change and work on their business through tailored one-on-one mentoring sessions – for free. To celebrate, we chatted with Aerium’s Principal Consultant, Business Coaching and Facilitation, Jane Leslie.   

Thursday 4 March 2021 at 7:32 am
Photo of a woman in a blue top, smiling

Q&A with Jane Leslie 

Jane is leading a team of business consultants who are ready to take bookings across a range of topics you can nominate to best meet your needs.

Tell us about Aerium and the people behind it 

Aerium is an Australian owned and operated boutique business consultancy. We have extensive mentoring experience working with the Bushfire Business Recovery Program and the current Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Small Business Mentoring Program, assisting businesses impacted by COVID-19. 

Our mentoring team consists of seven panel members with expertise across diverse business disciplines including business strategy, marketing, finance and people management. 

What are some of the benefits retailers and installers can expect to gain? 

How often do we hear business owners say they don’t have time to work on their business? We understand this is an issue facing many in the solar industry. The mentoring package is based on delivering results and outcomes, which in turn provides for many participant benefits.  

Apart from working with a team of experienced mentors, we provide a tailored, supportive and personalised mentoring environment at no cost to them. 

We take the lead and guide participants through an effective and efficient process. We help to identify key business priorities, increase confidence and deliver tangible takeaways that can be readily implemented upon completion of the business mentoring package. 

How are the sessions delivered and are they tailored to individual needs? 

Business mentoring offers up to four 90-minute sessions completely free of charge. For convenience, each session will be conducted by either video conferencing, similar to Zoom, or telephone. We recommend the video conferencing option, which doesn’t require any special requirements other than access to the internet. 

Each session is tailored to meet the needs and objectives of the participant. This process kicks off with a ‘business diagnostic’ that will identify priority issues, goal setting and a plan on how to best utilise the remaining mentoring time. 

People running their own business are busy – tell us about the time commitments required. 

In the first instance participants can register for two 90-minute sessions that can be utilised over a two-month period. This approach provides flexibility and convenience rather than the participant feeling obligated to complete the sessions within a short period. 

Where possible, we’ll do our best to facilitate session times that best suit and may be outside of normal business hours. 

What are some of the most popular topics participants have wanted coaching on? 

It really depends upon each individual business, however we work with many businesses wanting help with business management and growth strategies, cashflow and budget management and sales and marketing – particularly social media. 

Over the last six months we’ve been able to assist businesses to navigate the various government grants available to them as a result of the pandemic. 

Overall, what’s been pleasing is the way businesses have embraced new ideas, initiatives and recommendations presented to them. 

What’s the most rewarding feedback you’ve heard? 

We’ve received positive feedback about our mentoring style and approach, which is to quickly determine business priorities and allocate the appropriate mentor very early on in the process. This approach provides maximum opportunity for businesses to receive the exact guidance they need within the timeframe. 

Ultimately our goal for every participant is to walk away with clear direction and an action plan addressing their specific objectives. We regularly receive feedback from businesses that our recommendations are working. 

It’s so gratifying to be able to help. 

What’s the one thing you’d say to someone who’s still unsure about jumping on board with business mentoring?  

Give it a go! It may well be the most productive and worthwhile time you’ve spent on your business in a long time. 

More information 

For more information, including how to register your interest, see mentoring
