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For the rental provider
Yes, eligible rental providers can apply for a maximum of two rebates for rental properties each financial year.
No, you cannot increase the rent as a direct result of installing a solar system on the property.
Contribution by the renters must be agreed to upfront by both the renters and the rental provider.
Rental providers can still move forward with an installation without a contribution from the renters.
The addition of an interest-free loan can significantly reduce the upfront cost on an installation should a rental provider decide to move forward without a contribution from the renter.
No, the Rental provider-Renter Agreement is not valid after the renter vacates the property.
Subsequent renters are not responsible for contributing to the interest-free loan repayments.
No. Applicants must be listed on the rates notice to be eligible for a rebate and interest-free loan.
Rates notices which list the property in the name of a Trust, Superannuation Fund or Business do not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the program.
Ultimately, the rental provider is responsible for the repayment of the interest-free loan as they are the party who have entered a contract.
If either party does not follow through with their responsibilities under the Rental provider-Renter Agreement, you can contact the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV) for free advice on dispute resolution, and potential options for mediation.
For the renter
No, the rental provider cannot increase the rent to cover the cost of installing the solar system as set out in the Rental provider-Renter agreement. The full liability for the loan remains with the rental provider as the property owner.
No, 50% of the monthly interest-free loan repayment is the maximum amount you can be asked to contribute. This equates to $14.58 per month over the four-year term of the loan or until you vacate the property, whichever is sooner.
You may agree to make a small contribution, such as 15% or 25% of the loan repayment.
The eligibility QR code is provided to the rental provider (as the applicant). Within the Rental provider-Renter Agreement, the renter acknowledges that they’ll be required to give consent for access to the property to the rental provider (or a person authorised by the rental provider) for the purposes of both installing and maintaining the solar system.
Within the Rental provider-Renter agreement, the rental provider is required to notify the renter in writing when the solar system has been installed and commissioned. This is when the loan repayments should begin (if applicable).
Within the Rental provider-Renter agreement, the renter acknowledges that they’ll be required to give consent for access to the property to the rental provider (or a person authorised by the rental provider) for the purposes of both installing and maintaining the solar system.
The renter will have access to system data to monitor usage and performance and can opt for all parties to have access to system monitoring if they wish. The renter can provide their email details to the solar supplier before or during the installation process, so they can set up access to the solar monitoring portal or mobile app.
The rental provider is required to install and commission connection of the system to the grid.
The rental provider is responsible for paying grid connection costs as the owner of the property and solar system.