Regulators and peak bodies (Home Heating and Cooling Program)

Useful information and resources to help you maintain and comply with safety and quality standards in the program.

Solar Victoria worked closely with regulators and peak bodies to ensure safety and quality standards were maintained across the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrade program. We required Approved Suppliers to meet relevant safety and quality standards and comply with all applicable laws, regulations and standards and are committed to working with industry to improve outcomes under this program.

We have worked in collaboration with regulators and peak bodies to identify a range of resources and information to assist approved suppliers to work safely and understand their obligations when working under the program.

This list is not exhaustive and does not replace obligations on Approved Suppliers to understand and comply with all compliance obligations, standards and requirements.

WorkSafe Victoria

WorkSafe Victoria (WSV) is Victoria’s occupational health and safety regulator. Its role is to prevent workplace injuries, illness and fatalities, and to enforce Victoria’s occupational health and safety legislation.

As an employer, you are required to provide and maintain a working environment for your employees that is safe and without risks to health.

This includes inducting employees into a well-developed safety management plan. You also need to develop and follow a safe work method statement (SWMS) to undertake high-risk construction work. High-risk construction work is:

  • where a person has a risk of falling more than two metres
  • on or near energised electrical installations or services.

Further information:

WorkSafe Victoria
Working from heights


Prevention of Electric Shocks
Occupational violence
Working alone
Controlling OHS Hazards and Risks Handbook
Safe Work Method Statements
Occupational Health and Safety- General For information on occupational health and safety, contact the WorkSafe Victoria Advisory Service on 1800 136 089 or go to

Energy Safe Victoria

Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) is the state energy safety regulator for gas, electricity and pipelines in Victoria. Its role includes ensuring electrical workers isolate, take appropriate measures and work safely when installing electrical equipment and electrical installations.

Approved Suppliers in the Home Heating and Cooling Program must ensure that only employees who are licensed electrical installation workers carry out electrical installation work. Installing and maintaining the following is electrical installation work, which must be carried out by licensed electrical workers.

Work performed by a Restricted Licence holder is limited to the disconnection of the existing wiring of the reverse cycle air conditioner (RCAC) they are replacing and the connection of the existing wiring to the new RCAC. The Restricted Licence holder must not alter, repair or install additional wiring.

Further information:

Energy Safe Victoria
Energy Safe Victoria
Certificates of Electrical Safety (COES)
Solar Victoria and Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program: Certificates of Electrical Safety flow chart 
Electrical Information Sheet 007: Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program common electrical defects
Fact sheet: Solar Victoria and Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program Fact Sheet - Solar Victoria Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program (
Installation and replacement of air-conditioning systems (ESV & VBA Factsheet)
Never work live campaign 
Electrical Installation Audit - Report Electrical Installation Audit - Report
Responsibilities of Licensed and Registered Electricians
Effective Supervision of Apprentice Electricians
Effective supervision of Electrical apprentices – Your responsibilities (Brochure)
Victorian Electricity Supply Industry Code of Practice Service – Low voltage fuse removal and reinsertion Fuse Remove and Reinsertion 2014.pdf
Electricity Safety-General For information on electricity safety call ESV on 1800 800 158 or (03) 9203 9700 or visit

Victorian Building Authority

The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) regulates Victoria's plumbing practitioners and plumbing work.

These key documents form the plumbing regulatory framework in Victoria:

The VBA uses a range of regulatory tools to prevent and react to non-compliance. This includes an audit program to identify levels of non-compliance, a complaints and enforcement team that monitor compliance and investigate complaints and regular occurrences of non-compliance.

Further information:

Victorian Building Authority
Victorian Building Authority
Air conditioning Installation Fact Sheet
Carbon monoxide

(relates to gas heaters)

Wood heaters and flues

(relates to wood heaters)

Split System Air Conditioning Audit
Plumbing Registration and Licensing for Refrigerated Air Conditioning Work
Plumbing Resource Hub
Plumbing Complaints Process
Plumbing Requirements- General

For more information on plumbing requirements, contact VBA on 1300 815 127.

Australian Refrigeration Council

There are national regulations applying to people who acquire, possess, dispose of or handle ozone depleting substances (ODSs) or synthetic greenhouse gases (SGGs) in the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) industry.

Under the Commonwealth Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations 1995, persons who handle these substances in bulk or in equipment, and people who work on equipment containing these gases, are required to hold a Refrigerant Handling Licence.

Companies or persons who acquire, possess or dispose of these substances are required to hold a Refrigerant Trading Authorisation.

The Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC) is appointed as the Industry Board to administer licences and authorisations.

Further information:

Australian Refrigeration Council

Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment

Australian Refrigeration Council
Refrigeration and Airconditioning – General Information
Who can do what, with Split System Air Conditioners
Refrigerant handling and disposal

Refrigerant Handling Licence

Consumer Affairs Victoria

Consumers in the Home Heating and Cooling and Upgrade program can obtain information to understand their rights and responsibilities for products and services, and how to seek protection from practices like inaccurate marketing and high-pressure tactics.

Further information:

Consumer Affairs Victoria
Consumer Affairs Victoria
Problems with a Product
Problem with a service
Refunds, repairs and returns
Business practices
Energy Product and Services – General Information
Consumer Affairs Victoria – General Enquiry

Contact the Consumer Affairs using the General Enquiry Form


The content of this website is provided for information purposes only.

Solar Victoria makes no warranties whatsoever about the accuracy, reliability or authenticity of any information or material contained in this website and accepts no liability whatsoever for direct or consequential loss or damage to any person in connection with the information or advice (or the use of such information or advice) which is provided on this website or incorporated into this site by reference.

Information is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the site and any linked site do so at their own risk and undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of any and all content.


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