Purpose and benefits of an audit
The reverse-cycle air-conditioner you had installed through the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program may be selected for an audit up to 6 months after installation.
This service is offered as part of Solar Victoria’s commitment to safety and quality. It is designed to ensure approved suppliers and installers in our program maintain and are improving safety and quality standards. Audits drive continuous improvement and mean that installation problems are dealt with promptly.
Agreeing to participate in an audit is a terrific opportunity to have a safety and quality check undertaken on your installation at no cost to you. Not all installations will be audited, and your participation in an audit is voluntary.
Who conducts the audit?
Solar Victoria has appointed TechSafe Australia (TechSafe) whose qualified solar technicians conduct safety audits of selected systems installed under the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program.
If your installation is selected for an audit, a TechSafe representative will contact you to arrange a suitable time to conduct the quality and safety audit at your property. They will confirm this with you via an email directly.
When you choose to take part, a TechSafe representative will ask you to sign a consent form when they first schedule a time with you, or on the day. The audit should take an average of 2 to 3 hours on site.
What do the auditors assess?
Auditors for the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program look at a range of matters including:
- Mechanical installation of air-conditioning system – The system is level and stable and installed in an appropriate location.
- Electrical connections of air-conditioning system – The system has been safely installed and wiring connections between the indoor unit, outdoor unit and the installation electrical system are compliant.
- Plumbing connections – All plumbing works (both vapour and liquid) are appropriately installed, with special consideration to condensate discharge points.
- Switchboard works – All required works in relation to electrical switchboard modifications are compliant with the associated standards, with special consideration of protection devices (RCD and overload) requirements.
- Gas capping – If replacing existing gas heating systems, have gas lines been appropriately capped?
The auditors use a checklist that has been developed in collaboration with industry technical experts, regulatory bodies and Solar Victoria to confirm audit the quality and safety of the installations. This document includes all questions auditors base their inspection of reverse-cycle air conditioner installation on:
Download audit checklist
Solar Victoria will regularly review and update this checklist to ensure it is accurate and supports continuous improvement in industry practice.
If an installation is found to be unsafe, or has the potential to become unsafe, the approved supplier of the unit will be responsible for correcting any faults. Solar Victoria will continue to monitor the installation until the issue has been resolved and there will be no cost to you.
We will also inform regulatory agencies, including
How is this different to compliance certificates?
It is a requirement of the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program that your reverse-cycle air-conditioner installation is checked by:
- a Licensed Electrical Inspector where a switchboard upgrade was done, and a Certificate of Electrical Safety issued;
- and a licensed plumber and a Plumbing Compliance Certificate issued.
Our safety and quality audits are different. They provide a comprehensive assessment of the design and operation of reverse-cycle air conditioner as a whole – not just the safety and compliance of electrical and plumbing work.
Any questions?
If you have any questions or feedback about these audits, please contact our Quality Assurance team at quality.assurance@team.solar.vic.gov.au.