Accreditation Scheme Operator (ASO)
Organisation appointed by the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) as the installer and designer accreditation scheme operator (ASO) under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).
Customers/consumers are applicants for rebates under the Solar Homes Program and/or persons who obtain a rebate or loan under this program.
An installer of eligible systems, being eligible solar photovoltaic systems and ancillary equipment and/or solar battery systems and ancillary equipment and/or energy efficient hot water system within the Solar Homes Program.
Interface protection system
An interface protection system controls voltage and frequency limits in parallel connections between an inverter energy system and the normal grid supply. It is also referred to as ‘central protection’ or ‘grid protection’.
Mandatory requirements must be satisfied for a participant to enter into the Solar Homes Program. Where a participant no longer meets mandatory requirements, Solar Victoria may suspend or cancel participation in the Solar Homes Program at its discretion. Participants must continue to meet the mandatory requirements at all times during their participation in the Solar Homes Program.
Other on-site workers
Other on-site personnel who are involved in the installation of eligible solar panel (PV), solar battery and/or energy efficient hot water systems within the Solar Homes Program, including but not limited to trades assistants, apprentices, etc.
Recommendations are optional and do not affect eligibility at the time of publication of this notice. They help to ensure the Solar Homes Program delivers the best outcomes for Victorians.
Recommendations signal to industry criteria that are likely to become mandatory in the future. Industry participants should consider early adoption of recommendations and plan accordingly.
A retailer of eligible solar photovoltaic systems and ancillary equipment and/or solar battery systems and ancillary equipment and/or solar hot water and heat pump systems which meet the programs’ mandatory eligibility criteria, and who is registered to participate in the Solar Homes Program as a retailer.
Any reference to an Australian or international standard (AS, AS/NZS, IEC, IEEE, etc.) refers to the specified standard as last amended, unless the year of the standard is otherwise referenced.
Solar sharing technology
Technology that allows multiple discrete NMI meters to share the output of a single inverter to provide a supplementary PV solar supply to occupants of a multi-tenanted building.