1.1 About the Notice to Market
This Notice to Market provides retailers and installers with a clear overview of business and workforce requirements, and system and product requirements that must be met to participate in the Solar Homes Program from 1 July 2024.
Participation in the Solar Homes Program is governed by the requirements set out in this Notice to Market, as well as Solar Victoria's terms and conditions such as those for retailers and for installers.
Retailers, installers and other workers must comply with the requirements in this notice for incentives to apply to solar PV, solar battery and energy efficient hot water systems
1.2 New and updated requirements and recommendations in this edition
There are nine new mandatory requirements and four new recommendations in this edition of the Notice to Market.
New requirements seek to support stability of the energy grid, maintain our focus on consumer protections, support Victoria’s circular economy, and uplift the safety and quality of products and systems installed under the Solar Homes Program.
New mandatory requirements
The new mandatory requirements effective from 1 July 2024 relate to:
New requirement | Section |
Active internet connection for solar PV and batteries | 3.2.1 4.2.1 |
Heat pump hot water systems restricted to products containing low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants | 5.2.1 |
Retailer obligations to ensure battery installers are provided with an AS/NZS 5139 compliant labelling kit | 4.1.1 |
Hot water heat pump installers holding a current Refrigerant Handling Licence issued by the Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC) if installing with synthetic refrigerant circulating through the pipework | 5.1.3 |
Retailer obligations to remove solar PV panels and/or system components from residence | 3.1.1 |
No telemarketing or door-to-door sales of systems eligible under the Solar Homes Program | 3.1.1 4.1.1 5.1.1 |
Consumer protections and whole-of-product warranty for solar sharing technology | 3.2.1 |
Interface protection for inverter power sharing devices greater than 30 KiloVolt Amps | 3.2.1 |
Providing a financial performance estimate to solar PV and battery system owners | 3.1.1 4.1.1 |
Updated mandatory requirements
The updates we have made to existing mandatory requirements relate to:
Updated requirement | Section |
Hot water heat pumps must have an end-user configurable integrated timer located on the outside of the unit or be connected to a solar PV system and runs the hot water during periods of solar generation | 5.2.1 |
Installation of hot water heat pumps in accordance also with AS/NZS 5149 and having regard to the manufacturer’s specifications | 5.1.3 |
Retailer obligations to ensure hot water installers conducting rooftop installations have completed relevant safety training | 5.1.1 |
Smoke alarm installation in a room under the same roof as a residence must comply with AS 3786:2016 or AS 3789:2023 or, where the use of the area is likely to result in smoke alarms causing spurious signals, with AS 1670.1 | 4.2.1 |
We have also made minor updates to other requirements to ensure the Notice to Market remains current and relevant.
New recommendations
The new recommendations effective from 1 July 2024 relate to:
New recommendation | Section |
Australian Refrigeration Council Green Scheme Accreditation if installing a split hot water heat pump with natural refrigerant | 5.1.4 |
The Victorian Government's ban on electronic waste to landfill and retailers keeping records and evidence of solar panel (PV) and systems disposal to a lawful place | 3.1.2 4.1.2 5.1.2 |
Electrical circuit installation requirements for hot water heat pumps | 5.2.2 |
Hot water system products providing access to hot water during a power outage | 5.2.2 |
1.3 About our incentives
For more detailed information about our incentives, including values and eligibility criteria, see Solar Homes Program.
For rebate release dates, see Rebate values and release dates.
1.3.1 Solar PV rebate
We provide rebates and interest-free loans to eligible homeowners with existing homes, homes under construction, rental properties, and community housing providers towards the cost of installing an eligible solar panel (PV) system, up to a maximum amount listed on our website.
We also provide grants to eligible apartment households toward the installation of PV systems.
See Solar panel (PV) rebate
See Solar for community housing
See Solar for Apartments Program
1.3.2 Solar battery loan
We provide interest-free loans to homeowners towards the cost of installing an eligible solar battery storage system, up to a maximum amount listed on our website.
See Solar battery loan.
1.3.3. Hot water rebate
We provide rebates to homeowners with existing homes towards the cost of installing an eligible hot water system, up to a maximum amount listed on our website.
Solar Victoria also has a process for emergency hot water installations, so Victorians don’t have to wait if their system has broken down.
See Hot water rebate.
1.4 Acknowledgements
Solar Victoria consulted with key stakeholders to develop this Notice to Market 2024–25 and considered feedback in designing the recommendations and mandatory requirements.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the development of this notice to Market. Representatives from the following agencies contributed to the Notice to Market 2024–25:
- Energy Safe Victoria
- Clean Energy Regulator
- Clean Energy Council
- Smart Energy Council
- National Electrical and Communications Association
- WorkSafe Victoria
- Consumer Action Law Centre
- Victorian Building Authority
- Master Plumbers Victoria
- Energy Networks Australia
- Australian Refrigeration Council
- AiGroup - Australian Water Heater Forum
- Electrical Trades Union.
Solar Victoria also conducted targeted engagement with the Solar Victoria Industry and Consumer Reference Group and with selected manufacturers, retailers and installers participating in the Solar Homes Program.
1 Note: the telemarketing prohibition came into effect under the Solar Homes Program on 1 May 2024 and door-to-door sales prohibition commenced on 1 September 2021 via the Retailer Terms and Conditions (see Instruction issued 30 April 2024).