On this page
- 5.1 Hot water retail business and workforce requirements
- 5.1.1 Hot water retailers – mandatory retail business requirements
- 5.1.2 Hot water retailers – recommendations for retail business
- 5.1.3 Hot water installers (tradespersons) – mandatory workforce requirements
- 5.1.4 Hot water installers (tradespersons) – recommendations for workforce
- 5.1.5 All other on-site solar hot water workers – mandatory workforce requirements
- 5.1.6 All other on-site solar hot water workers – recommendations for workforce
- 5.2 Hot water system and product requirements

5.1 Hot water retail business and workforce requirements
The following retail business and workforce requirements for hot water rebates aim to enhance safety and quality by maintaining rigorous standards and developing a level playing field within the industry.
For more information about training requirements in this section, including how to enrol, see Training and workforce development.
5.1.1 Hot water retailers – mandatory retail business requirements
Mandatory: No prosecutions under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 and/or the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 (or equivalent legislation/ regulations in other Australian jurisdictions) resulting in a plea of guilty or a finding of guilt in the past three years.
- Compliance with relevant occupational health and safety acts and regulations protect the health, safety and welfare of employees and other people at work.
- Confirming compliance with relevant occupational health and safety acts and regulations aims to ensure that the health and safety of employees and the public are not put at risk by work activities.
Mandatory: Confirmation all workers engaged to install solar hot water systems have attained:
- CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry accredited unit of competency (White Card/construction induction card).
- VU23631 Work safely on roofs with renewable energy systems training unit certification. This applies to all tradespersons installing solar hot water or heat pump systems on rooftops (previously obtained VU22744 Work Safely in the Solar industry accredited unit of competency is still valid).
- System retailers have a responsibility to ensure workers are appropriately trained to perform high-risk work.
- Retailers must perform due diligence to ensure all workers meet the regulated and contractual requirements of participating in the Solar Homes Program.
Mandatory: All hot water system retailers must maintain a record of all eligible systems installed under the Solar Homes Program. The record shall include the make, model, serial number/s, the time, date, and address of installation, for all eligible systems.
The records must be made available to Solar Victoria upon request.
- To proactively assist original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), regulators, and government bodies in the event of a product safety recall or other related product issue.
- To enable tracking of where products are located for the purpose of end-of-life management.
Mandatory: All authorised solar hot water retailers to provide a minimum five year whole-of-system warranty for all eligible systems under the Solar Homes Program (including quality of work).
Retailers must also provide the customer with documentation confirming the terms and conditions of the warranty, and who to contact in the event of a product failure.
- Solar Victoria is aiming to improve program controls to protect consumers and meet compliance requirements.
- The Terms and Conditions for participation in the Solar Homes Program requires retailers to:
- express the warranty requirement as simply and clearly as possible
- make a declaration when they apply to participate in the programs that they agree to provide the warranty
- make a statement that they have provided the customer with documentation confirming the terms and conditions of the warranty and who to contact in the event of a product failure
- state that the warranty and responsibilities, in relation to installation, continue to operate after a retailer is suspended or otherwise ceases to participate in the Solar Homes Program.
Mandatory: The retailer, or parties acting on behalf of the retailer, must not conduct sales of eligible systems as part of Solar Homes program using door-to-door or telemarketing sales techniques.
The ban:
- prohibits ‘cold-call’ telemarketing and door-to-door sales techniques to all types of consumers.
- prohibits telemarketing and door-to-door sales to prospective or previous customers from being outsourced to contractors or marketing companies.
- only permits marketing or sales calls at the request of the consumer or with their express permission, and only within three months or a timeline specified when the consumer opts into calls, and only in accordance with the New Energy Tech Consumer Code.
- permits calls to notify a previous customer of a product default or recall that affects them.
- To protect consumers, particular vulnerable cohorts, from persistent, unsolicited or nuisance calls and pressure sales tactics.
- Prevents contacting consumers who are listed on the ’Do Not Call Register’.
- Aligns with the new Victoria Energy Upgrades program marketing ban administered by the Essential Services Commission.
- To prevent reputational harm of the Solar Homes program by being associated with nuisance telemarketing and door-to-door marketing techniques.
Note: the telemarketing prohibition came into effect under the Solar Homes Program on 1 May 2024 and door-to-door sales prohibition commenced on 1 September 2021 via the Retailer Terms and Conditions (see Instruction issued 30 April 2024).
Mandatory: Compliance with the Victorian Government's ban on electronic waste to landfill.
- Compliance with the Victorian Government's ban on electronic waste to landfill.
- The Victorian Government has banned e-waste from landfill in Victoria, effective 1 July 2019. E-waste is growing three times faster than general municipal waste in Australia, and it contains both valuable and hazardous materials that can be recovered when they reach the end of their working life.
- The Waste Management Policy (e-waste) was approved by the Executive Council on 26 June 2018 and gazetted on 28 June 2018. The Victorian Government Gazette e-waste order can be found on pages 1457 to 1463.
- E-waste describes any device which requires an electro- magnetic current (including anything with a plug, cord or battery) to operate and includes all solar products at the end of their useful life i.e. panels, inverter an energy storage equipment.
- For more information, see Managing e-waste.
Mandatory: Confirmation all workers engaged to install systems have successfully completed training and/or mentoring as required by Solar Victoria from time to time.
- Solar Victoria’s training and technical mentoring are industry validated and customised for the solar industry in consultation with subject matter experts.
- Training and technical mentoring mandated by Solar Victoria will be available to complete prior to the mandatory completion date set by Solar Victoria.
- Solar Victoria will provide reasonable notice of mandatory training and/or technical mentoring on its website at Training and Workforce Development.
5.1.2 Hot water retailers – recommendations for retail business
Recommended: Hot water storage tanks should be sized in line with the following size guide.
Recommended tank size for hot water heaters:
Number of bedrooms Number of occupants Recommended tank size 1-2 1-2 150-225 litres 3 2-4 225-300 litres 4 or more 4+ More than 300 litres Why:
- It is recommended that a hot water system should store at least 75 litres of hot water for each person living at a property. This includes some extra capacity to account for changes in consumption.
- A system that is too small for a household may mean regularly running out of hot water.
- A system that is too large for a household will cost more to buy and run.
- Recommended tank sizing from consultation provided by Renew during the creation of the Hot Water Buyers Guide.
Recommended: For hot water heat pumps, the minimum operating temperature specified on the product datasheet should be lower than the minimum recorded temperature as specified by the Bureau of Meteorology
- To ensure the hot water heat pump will not be installed outside of its operating range to prevent failures.
- To reduce the probability of hot water heat pumps being perceived as unreliable.
- The Bureau of Meteorology data is to be used because it is public data and is used by the Clean Energy Regulator.
Recommended: Main business location listed as “Victoria” according to the Australian Government’s Australian Business Register.
- A key element of the Solar Homes Program concerns driving job creation with strong local content and industry development to build local supply chains. Prioritising businesses with a main business location of Victoria contributes to achieving this.
Recommended: Retailers and/or installers offer end-of-life management programs, during product replacement or disposal, with service provider/s certified to AS 5377.
- The Solar Homes Program aims to support Victoria’s emerging circular economy by encouraging best practice approaches and outcomes for materials at the end of their lifecycle.
- AS 5377 establishes Australia’s best practice benchmark for the collection, storage, transport and treatment of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment.
- Future eligibility and installation requirements will be updated periodically. In particular, Solar Victoria recognises the national stewardship approach underway for PV products and materials at the end of their lifecycle.
- See How to manage end-of-life solar PV.
Recommended: We recommend that hot water system retailers advise system owners of the Victorian Energy Compare website and how to utilise the solar saver tool prior to installing a solar system.
- The Victorian Energy Compare website is a Victorian Government initiative that includes a solar savings calculator using NMI (National Mering Identifier) specific data.
- The solar calculator can be used by homeowners to compare the proposed solar system to their actual usage and tariff structure.
- Solar Victoria informs all rebate recipients in their welcome pack to use the Victorian Energy Compare website to calculate how much money they could save on energy bills by installing solar panels.
- Other ways Solar Victoria promotes use of the Victorian Energy Compare include:
- Householder e-newsletter
- Buyers Guides
- consumer education activities, including events.
- Victorian Energy Compare can be accessed at compare.energy.vic.gov.au and the solar calculator at Solar Savings Calculator.
Recommended: All workers engaged to install solar hot water systems have attained, CPCCCM2012 (or RIIWHS204) Work Safely at Heights accredited unit of competency.
See Work safely in the solar industry.
- System retailers are responsible for ensuring workers are appropriately trained to perform high-risk work.
- This training sets out the requirements to work safely on construction sites where the work activity involves working above 1.5 metres from ground level and where fall protection measures are required.
- Completion of Work Safely at Heights training is a work, health and safety risk control measure.
Recommended: Workers engaged to install solar have attained 22657VIC Working Safely on Rooftop Renewable Energy Systems (previously obtained 22515VIC Course in Working Safely in the Solar Industry is still valid).
See Work safely in the solar industry.
- System retailers have a responsibility to ensure workers are appropriately trained to perform high-risk work.
- Working Safely on Rooftop Renewable Energy Systems is an accredited training program and provides vocational outcomes for persons wishing to gain the skills and knowledge required for the safe installation of solar systems.
- Training content includes VU23631 Work safely on roofs with renewable energy systems (a training unit developed and customised for the solar industry), White Card/construction induction training, first aid and working at heights.
Recommended: Undertake free business mentoring sessions from Solar Victoria’s approved provider.
See Business mentoring for retailers and installers.
- The experienced business consultants we have engaged can help participants in our programs make informed decisions to improve their business through tailored and confidential one-on-one mentoring sessions.
5.1.3 Hot water installers (tradespersons) – mandatory workforce requirements
Mandatory: Holds the appropriate plumbing accreditation issued by the Victorian Building Authority (VBA).
- The VBA regulates plumbers, plumbing work and plumbing standards.
- In accordance with the Building Act 1993 and the Plumbing Regulations 2018, installation of a solar hot water/heat pump hot water system must be done by a plumber with the relevant accreditation issued by the VBA.
- To lawfully carry out plumbing work in the Solar Homes Program, hot water installers must be one of the following:
- licensed in the class with the VBA
- registered in the class (or hold provisional registration in the class) with the VBA
- be in training under the supervision of a licensed plumber.
- For plumbing work involving installing a split system heat pump water heater, the plumber must be registered or licensed in water supply work and refrigerated air-conditioning work.
Mandatory: Holds a current Refrigerant Handling Licence issued by the Australian Refrigeration Council (ARC) if installing a split hot water heat pump with synthetic refrigerant circulating through the pipework.
- Under the Commonwealth Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations 1995 (the Regulations) a person installing a split hot water heat pump with synthetic refrigerant circulating through the pipework requires a Refrigerant Handling Licence issued by ARC
- This requirement does not apply to heat pumps that circulate water between the two units.
Mandatory: Installation of a solar water heater or heat pump water heater must be in accordance with:
- the Plumbing Regulations 2018;
- the National Construction Code Volume 3 (Plumbing Code of Australia);
- AS/NZS 5149 (heat pumps);
- other relevant standards; and
- the manufacturer’s specifications.
- The latest version of the National Construction Code Volume 3 (Plumbing Code of Australia) applies.
- AS/NZS 5149 includes requirements for installing heat pumps with flammable/toxic refrigerants in occupied / confined spaces and installers are advised to exercise caution with the location of heat pump systems.
Mandatory: A compliance certificate must be issued by a licensed plumber to the customer who engaged the plumber for plumbing work with a total value of $750 or more, before discounts and incentives.
The requirement also applies to all gas installations affecting gas pipes.
- A compliance certificate is issued by a licensed plumber to certify the work they carry out complies with the relevant plumbing standards, codes and regulations.
- Only a licenced plumber may issue a compliance certificate – unlicensed registered plumbers cannot issue a compliance certificate.
- A licensed plumber is required to lodge a compliance certificate with the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) within 5 days of completing the work to remove a hot water system and install a hot water system.
- The licensed plumber must also issue the customer with a signed compliance certificate within 5 days of the work being completed. It is an important record that helps protect against faulty workmanship.
Mandatory: Where electrical work has occurred, a Certificate of Electrical Safety (COES) is issued.
- An appropriate COES in accordance with Energy Safe Victoria requirements shall be supplied. The issuing of COES:
- improves electrical safety for the general public, electricity customers and electrical workers; and
- ensures all electrical installation work is undertaken only by qualified persons.
- See Certificates of Electrical Safety.
- An appropriate COES in accordance with Energy Safe Victoria requirements shall be supplied. The issuing of COES:
Mandatory: Has attained the CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry accredited unit of competency (White Card/construction induction card).
See Work safely in the solar industry.
- White Card training sets out requirements for performing safe work practices, identifying risks and satisfying work requirements.
- Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 state that construction induction training must be undertaken by workers engaged in construction and the installation of electricity services.
- Completion of White Card training is a work, health and safety risk control measure.
Mandatory: Has attained the VU23631 Work safely on roofs with renewable energy systems accredited unit of competency. This applies to all tradespersons installing solar hot water or heat pump systems on rooftops (previously obtained VU22744 Work Safely in the Solar industry accredited unit of competency is still valid).
See Work safely in the solar industry.
- Work safely on roofs with renewable energy systems is a tailored safety training unit which includes customised working at heights, lockout and energisation requirements, identification and reporting on asbestos, etc.
- A sector advisory group identified a skills gap in the solar industry and developed this training unit. The advisory group was led by the Office of the Victorian Skills Commissioner and included representatives from WorkSafe, Solar Victoria, the Electrical Trades Union, the Clean Energy Council, the Plumbing Pipes Trades and Employee Union, Master Plumbers, the National Electrical and Communications Association and multiple solar retailers.
- Completion of Work safely on roofs with renewable energy system is a work, health and safety control measure.
Mandatory: Confirmation all workers engaged to install systems have successfully completed training and/or mentoring as required by Solar Victoria from time to time.
- Solar Victoria’s training and technical mentoring are industry validated and customised for the solar industry in consultation with subject matter experts.
- Training and technical mentoring mandated by Solar Victoria will be available to complete prior to the mandatory completion date set by Solar Victoria.
- Solar Victoria will provide reasonable notice of mandatory training and/or technical mentoring on its website at Training and Workforce Development.
5.1.4 Hot water installers (tradespersons) – recommendations for workforce
Recommended: Retailers and/or installers offer end-of-life management programs, during product replacement or disposal, with service provider/s certified to AS 5377.
- The Solar Homes Program aims to support Victoria’s emerging circular economy by encouraging best practice approaches and outcomes for materials at the end of their lifecycle.
- AS 5377 establishes Australia’s best practice benchmark for the collection, storage, transport and treatment of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment.
- Future eligibility and installation requirements will be updated periodically. In particular, Solar Victoria recognises the national stewardship approach underway for PV products and materials at the end of their lifecycle.
- See How to manage end-of-life solar PV.
Recommended: We recommend that hot water system installers advise system owners of the Victorian Energy Compare website and how to utilise the solar saver tool prior to installing a solar system.
- The Victorian Energy Compare website is a Victorian Government initiative that includes a solar savings calculator using NMI (National Metering Identifier) specific data.
- The solar calculator can be used by homeowners to compare the proposed solar system to their actual usage and tariff structure.
- Solar Victoria informs all rebate recipients in their welcome pack to use the Victorian Energy Compare website to calculate how much money they could save on energy bills by installing solar panels.
- Other ways Solar Victoria promotes use of the Victorian Energy Compare website include:
- Householder e-newsletter
- Buyers Guides
- consumer education activities, including events.
- Victorian Energy Compare can be accessed at compare.energy.vic.gov.au and the solar calculator at Solar Savings Calculator.
Recommended: Has attained CPCCCM2012 (or RIIWHS204) Working Safely at Heights accredited training unit.
See Work safely in the solar industry.
- This training sets out the requirements to work safely on construction sites where the work activity involves working above 1.5 metres from ground level and where fall protection measures are required.
- Completion of Work Safely at Heights training is a work, health and safety risk control measure.
Recommended: Has attained 22657VIC Working Safely on Rooftop Renewable Energy Systems accredited course (previously obtained 22515VIC Course in Working Safely in the Solar Industry is still valid).
See Work safely in the solar industry.
- Working Safely on Rooftop Renewable Energy Systems is an accredited training program and provides vocational outcomes for persons wishing to gain the skills and knowledge required for the safe installation of solar systems.
- Training content includes VU23631 Work safely on roofs with renewable energy systems (a training unit developed and customised for the solar industry), White Card/construction induction training, first aid and working at heights.
Recommended: Has attained the ARC Green Scheme Accreditation if installing a split hot water heat pump with natural refrigerant circulating through the pipework.
- The ARC Green Scheme Accreditation supports best practice for natural refrigerant handling when working with split system hot water heat pumps.
- Provides installers with better understanding and education to protect themselves and the household from flammable or toxic refrigerants.
5.1.5 All other on-site solar hot water workers – mandatory workforce requirements
Mandatory: Has attained the CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry accredited unit of competency (White Card/construction induction card).
See Work safely in the solar industry.
- White Card training sets out requirements for performing safe work practices, identifying risks and satisfying work requirements.
- Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 state that construction induction training must be undertaken by workers engaged in construction and the installation of electricity services.
- Completion of White Card training is a work, health and safety risk control measure.
Mandatory: Has attained the VU23631 Work safely on roofs with renewable energy systems accredited unit of competency. This applies to all tradespersons installing solar hot water or heat pump systems on rooftops (previously obtained VU22744 Work Safely in the Solar industry accredited unit of competency is still valid).
See Work safely in the solar industry.
- Work safely on roofs with renewable energy systems is a tailored safety training unit which includes customised working at heights, lockout and energisation requirements, identification and reporting on asbestos, etc.
- A sector advisory group identified a skills gap in the solar industry and developed this training unit. The advisory group was led by the Office of the Victorian Skills Commissioner and included representatives from WorkSafe, Solar Victoria, the Electrical Trades Union, the Clean Energy Council, the Plumbing Pipes Trades and Employee Union, Master Plumbers, the National Electrical and Communications Association and multiplesolar retailers.
- Completion of Work safely on roofs with renewable energy systems is a work, health and safety control measure.
Mandatory: Confirmation all workers engaged to install systems have successfully completed training and/or mentoring as required by Solar Victoria from time to time.
- Solar Victoria’s training and technical mentoring are industry validated and customised for the solar industry in consultation with subject matter experts.
- Training and technical mentoring mandated by Solar Victoria will be available to complete prior to the mandatory completion date set by Solar Victoria.
- Solar Victoria will provide reasonable notice of mandatory training and/or technical mentoring on its website at Training and Workforce Development.
5.1.6 All other on-site solar hot water workers – recommendations for workforce
Recommended: Has attained CPCCCM2012 (or RIIWHS204) Working Safely at Heights accredited training unit.
See Work safely in the solar industry.
- This training sets out the requirements to work safely on construction sites where the work activity involves working above 1.5 metres from ground level and where fall protection measures are required.
- Completion of Work Safely at Heights training is a work, health and safety risk control measure.
Recommended: Has attained 22657VIC Working Safely on Rooftop Renewable Energy Systems accredited course (previously obtained 22515VIC Course in Working Safely in the Solar Industry is still valid).
See Work safely in the solar industry.
- Working Safely on Rooftop Renewable Energy Systems is an accredited training program and provides vocational outcomes for persons wishing to gain the skills and knowledge required for the safe installation of solar systems.
- Training content includes VU23631 Work safely on roofs with renewable energy systems (a training unit developed and customised for the solar industry), White Card/construction induction training, first aid and working at heights.
5.2 Hot water system and product requirements
The following system and product requirements for solar hot water and heat pump systems aim to enhance safety and quality by maintaining rigorous standards and ensuring products are future-fit.
5.2.1 Hot water systems – mandatory requirements
Mandatory: Listed on the Solar Victoria hot water product list.
- This listing confirms solar hot water systems meet additional requirements, above minimum industry standards, to be eligible to participate in the Solar Homes Program.
Mandatory Listed on the Clean Energy Regulator's register of solar hot water heaters.
- Registration with the Clean Energy Regulator confirms that such systems comply with AS/NZS 2712 and may be subject to a product certification audit and compliance regime.
- Listing is currently a requirement under the Federal Government’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).
Mandatory Listed on the Essential Services Commission's register of products.
- Registration with the Essential Services Commission confirms that such systems comply with AS/NZS 2712 and includes efficiency modelling in addition to the Clean Energy Regulator Register’s efficiency modelling.
- Listing is a requirement under the Victorian Government’s Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEEC) Scheme.
Mandatory: Hot water heat pumps must contain refrigerants with a Global Warming Potential (GWP) less than 700 as defined in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) version 4.
- High GWP refrigerants contribute towards climate change if released into the atmosphere at end-of-life or from leakage.
- Removal of high GWP refrigerants will contribute towards national commitments under the 2016 Kigali protocols as well as state and national emission reduction targets.
- Restriction of products with less than 700 GWP is consistent with the Essential Services Commission product requirement for heat pump hot water systems to participate in the Victorian Energy Upgrades program.
- The GWP is defined in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) fourth assessment report 2007 (version 4).
Mandatory: Hot water heat pumps, as a minimum requirement, must have:
- an end-user (customer or occupant) configurable integrated timer that is located on the outside of the unit and allows the hot water heat pump to run between a specified time window; or,
- be connected to a solar PV system and runs the hot water heat pump during periods of solar generation.
The unit shall be capable of running outside of this time window for adequate hot water delivery, to support defrost cycles and to inhibit the growth of Legionella bacteria as per AS 3498.
These features shall be provided as part of the standard product.
- To maximise self-consumption of solar generation, improve grid stability and reduce carbon emissions.
- As heat pumps operate most efficiently in warmer temperatures, timers can improve the unit's efficiency.
- Reduces the probability of failures for heat pumps running in colder climates.
- Reduces the likelihood of noise complaints at night while people are sleeping.
- Allows an end-user (customer or occupant) to adjust timer settings seasonally to maximise self-consumption of solar generation.
- Removes risk to human safety or damage to components from an end-user attempting to access a timer contained within the internal working of the system.
Mandatory: Product manufacturers to provide a minimum five year whole-of-product warranty on all major components listed as:
- Solar hot water major components:
- Solar collector (any component in the solar collector including, but not limited to, manifold collectors, evacuated tubes, flat plate collectors, collector frames), heat exchanger, controller, thermostat, and valves.
- Heat pump major components:
- Storage tank, compressor, evaporator, condenser, expansion valve, any other component that has refrigerant, water heat exchanger, controller, thermostat, and valves.
- The systems must be serviced as per the manufacturer’s guidelines to maintain warranty.
- Solar Victoria is aiming to improve program controls to protect consumers and meet compliance requirements.
- The Terms and Conditions for participation in the Solar Homes Program requires retailers to:
- express the warranty requirement as simply as possible and make it available on their website
- state that the warranty and responsibilities about installation continue to operate after a retailer is suspended or otherwise ceases to participate in the Solar Homes Program.
- Solar hot water major components:
5.2.2 Hot water systems – recommendations
Recommended: Product manufacturers should ensure the hot water system can deliver the remaining hot water in the tank during a power outage provided there is no interruption to mains water supply.
- During a power outage it will ensure households have access to hot water for a period for bathing and cleaning purposes.
- As households electrify, it is necessary that key appliances, such as hot water systems, can provide benefits to consumers during power outages or interruptions.
Recommended: The electrical installation of a hot water heat pump should meet the following requirements:
- Has a dedicated circuit for the connection of the hot water unit.
- The circuit is protected by an appropriately rated overcurrent protection device and is RCD protected.
- Ensures best-practice in terms of operational safety for plug-in and fixed wired hot water heat pumps.
- A dedicated circuit prevents nuisance tripping from occurring.
Recommended: Retailers and/or installers offer end-of-life management programs, during product replacement or disposal, with service provider/s certified to AS 5377.
- The Solar Homes Program aims to support Victoria’s emerging circular economy by encouraging best practice approaches and outcomes for materials at the end of their lifecycle.
- AS 5377 establishes Australia’s best practice benchmark for the collection, storage, transport and treatment of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment.
- Future eligibility and installation requirements will be updated periodically. In particular, Solar Victoria recognises the national stewardship approach underway for PV products and materials at the end of their lifecycle.
- See How to manage end-of-life solar PV.
Recommended: The installed system should Include an open communication protocol.
- Open communication protocols support third party (e.g. aggregator, platform provider, distribution network service provider, distribution service operator, etc) visibility, communication and orchestration.
- Systems with open communication protocols may participate in future energy markets and/or flexible export connection arrangements.